Chapter 145~

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Jennaveve's POV

Calum came back into the room finally, closing the door behind him using his foot. His eyes looked red from crying. It hurt to see him like this. He smiled at me slightly and set down the grocery bag. Then he sat down next to me, rubbing my arm with his warm hand. "I love you." He whispered. I nuzzled my head against him, burying it under his neck. "I'm not just saying that because of this. I really mean it. I know we havent known eachother forever, but I really know you from the time we have. I know your favorite food, color, song, movie. I remeber all of that." He said, kissing my forehead. "Love you too." I whispered. Calum bit his lip and then got up, walking back over to the table and grabbing the bag. He pulled out a carton of chocolate muffins along with a 'plan b' box. I sniffed and then got up too, hugging him. "Thank you." I said, making my way into the bathroom, carrying the box. I say down on the closed toilet lid and googled if this would work. Mostly everything I read said it wouldn't. I sighed again and then swallowed the pills, using a cup by the sink to wash them down with tap water. Then, I made my way out of the bathroom and saw Calum on his phone. He looked up at me. "Are you looking it up too?" I asked, making my way over to him. He nodded and then handed me a muffin. I smiled. Calum cleared his throat before talking to me again. "You know, this isn't the worst thing." He said. I stare at him for a while. "We are both alive. And together." He finished. I sniff. "But we may not be alone." I said bluntly, flopping carefully onto the bed. I unwrapped the muffin, tossing the wrapper onto the side table and taking a bite. "My period is supposed to start in a week." I said, my voice cracking. "For the first time though, I really hope it comes."

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