Chapter twenty two~

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Alison's POV

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I looked down to see a text from Luke saying, "Considering it's late and you must be tired, goodnight love♡" I smiled and responded, "Goodnight, Luke♡️" I sighed and crawled into my bed, pulling the bedsheets over Lauren and I and plugging in my phone into the blue cord beside me. "Goodnight Lerrnn," I yawned. "Night Ali," Lauren laughed and poked me, make me squirm. I pulled the covers to my neck and told myself that I would take my makeup off in the morning. I closed my eyes but wasn't able to fall asleep to Lauren's tossing and turning. "Oh my fuck! Just lay in one spot," I whined. "I'm sorry I'm trying," Lauren whined laughing.

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