Chapter 187~

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Jennaveve's POV

I heard a knock on the door and set my yogurt down on the table. "I'll get it." I called to Charlie and Ava. I made my way to the front door and opened it to see Alison. Oh yeah... I forgot to invite her.

Alison's POV

"Finally, you weren't replying," I said, looking up at Jennaveve. "Who's that?" Lauren asked as she peered into the house, seeing the unknown girl with Charlie. I raised my eyebrow and looked at where Lauren was looking, seeing Charlie and the girl talking.

Jennaveve's POV

"Oh... That's Charlie's girlfriend. Apperently they have been dating for a while. But anyways, go get ready. We are going on ice skating dates with the boys!" I said. I kind of closed the door in their faces, but I really wanted to get ready. I went into Charlie's room and put on white ripped jeans and a light blue sweater. I smiled at my reflection, and then put my hair up into a high pony tail and tied a bandana into my hair with a cute bow on top. Then I went into the bathroom and put on some light makeup.

Alison's POV

"Bitch," I mumbled, looking down at what I was wearing. "Ugh I have to change again," I whined, jogging back into my house, Lauren behind me laughing. Exchanging my yoga pants for black skinny jeans, I pulled my old high school hoodie on over my white t-shirt. I quicky straightened my hair, waiting for Lauren to get ready also. "You ready?" Lauren asked, coming in wearing light wash skinny jeans and a black Hollister jacket. "Yep," I said, pulling out the straightening iron plug from the outlet.
"Okay let's go," Lauren said, a skip in her step as she walked out of my house, towards Charlie's. I laughed and shook my head, grabbing my phone and wallet, quickly following her.

Jennaveve's POV

Charlie and Ava looked as if they were ready, they were both in pretty warm clothes and they looked good. I smiled at them."You guys ready?" I asked. Charlie nodded and Ava got on her tip toes to kiss his cheek. I smiled widely. They were realllly cute. Ava grabbed her purse and so did I and we went out the door. Charlie unlocked his car and we all got in, including Alison and Lauren who got done at the same time. "I'm so exciteddd!" I said as Charlie pulled out of the drive way.

Alison's POV

"Me too," I said, a smile on my face and bouncing like a little girl in my seat. Lauren laughed at me and asked,"Excited to see Luke?" I nodded, the smile not leaving my face as we started driving there. "I feel bad for Michael, he's the only one without someone," I said, a frown on my face and I stared at everyone else.

Jennaveve's POV

I laughed awkwardly. I didn't even think of that. Hopefully he wouldn't stand there watching me and Calum and the rest of the couples here be romantic. I shrugged and asked Ava who was in the passenger seat to turn up the music. We finally reached the ice skating rink and my stomach started getting butterflies when I saw Calum standing by the door. He was wearing the cutest beanie with a puffy ball on the top and black skinny jeans and a black sweatshirt. I smiled at him from the window of my seat in the car and he waved, pushing himself off of the building wall. The car parked and I jumped out, running into Calum's arms. He pulled me close to him, my face going into the crook of his neck. I kissed his neck and he moved his head quickly in suprise. I smirked at him and then hugged his band mates, leaving him standing there blushing. I saw Ashton and Lauren cutely hugging and I smiled slightly, making my way back to Calum's side.

Alison's POV

I quickly jumped out of the car and ran over to Luke, wrapping my arms around him tightly. Luke laughed and he wrapped his arms around me, making us sway back and forth. "Hey love," Luke said, his australian accent was close to my ear. "Hi," I said, looking up and smiling at him. Luke smiled back and kissed the tip of my nose, making me blush. I pulled away to give the other boys hugs except for Ashton who was still hugging Lauren. "Excuse me get off my boyfriend," I laughed, pulling Lauren off Ashton and hugging him tightly.

Jennaveve's POV

"Come on guys!" Ava said, pulling Charlie inside by his hand and waving us in. She turned on the lights inside and we followed her. The place was empty and cold. Calum slipped his hand into mine and I smiled up at him. I turned to see the two other couples following us, but no Michael. "Where's Michael?" I asked, looking up at Calum. "Ohh. He said he didn't want to be the 7th wheel." Calum said, laughing. "Oh." I said and giggled with him. "Come here guys." Ava said, leading us to the skate room. "Get your size from the shelves. Make sure you don't make a mess, the place closed and I don't want to be fired." She said in her small accent. I smiled and nodded, pulling a 7 out from the self. Calum got a 9 and sat down next to me on the cold metal bench to put them on. He got his on quickly but I was struggling with the ties. He giggled at me. "Cal... Stop laughing and help me." I groaned. He giggled again and grabbed my hands, pulling them off of my shoe. Then he grabbed my ankle and put my leg over his knee, and tied the left one for me. Then he did the right one. He stood up from the bench and grabbed my hands, helping me stand up too. "You good now?" He asked, smiling. His eyes squinted when he smiled. I smiled too and kissed his lips. I wobbled slightly on the skates and he wrapped his arms around my waist to steady me. I smiled into the kiss.

Alison's POV

I laughed as Lauren punched me, pulling away from Ashton. "Fine, you can have him," I laughed, walking back over to Luke and putting my hand in his. "Have you skated before?" Luke asked, looking down at me. "Yep," I said, popping the 'p'. "Are you good?" he asked. "Nope," I said, popping the 'p' and laughing, "you?" "No," he said, grabbing a size 9 skate. "You'll probably look like a baby giraffe on ice," I laughed, grabbing a size 6. "Oh my god, you have such small feet," Luke said, looking down at my feet. "I'm sorry you're a giant," I laughed, taking off my vans and putting on the skates, somewhat succeeding at tying them. "Let's go," Luke said as he finished, standing up and reaching his hand out towards me. I stood up and quickly held onto him as I started to fall.

Jennaveve's POV

Charlie and Ava were already on the ice, Ava quickly skating around almost professionally and Charlie laughing and trying to keep up, reaching for her hand. Calum grabbed my hand and lead me out onto the ice. I slowly stepped onto the slippery ice, clinging to the wall. "Is this your first time?" Calum asked, smirking at his own sexual joke. I laughing and nodded. Calum took my hands and helped me move a little. "Don't worry. I've got you." He said. He started moving his feet and I copied him, and we moved away from the wall slowly. After a couple minutes of that, I giggled. "Let go!" I said and Calum slowly dropped my hand from his. "See? I've got this." I said, skating away. I started to wobble though, and I screamed as I fell down onto my butt. "Ouch.." I groaned. Calum quickly skated over to me and squatted by me. "You okay baby?" He asked. I nodded and started laughing, and he laughed too. "The ice is so cold. How do I even get up?" I asked, trying to get onto my foot but falling again. "Here. Get on your knee." Calum said, guiding me and pulling me up. I smiled at him and our eyes met after I was steadily up again. Calum pressed his lips to mine. "I love you." He said. I blushed. "I love you too.."  I said. I let go of this hand and tried to skate away from him, but I started to wobble again. Calum quickly grabbed my waist from behind. "Stop leaving me and take my hand." He said. I nodded. "Good idea." I said, putting my ice cold hand back into his. "How are your hands so warm?" I asked, rolling my eyes. He giggled. "Stop being cute." He groaned, pushing off and taking us slowly skating again.

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