Chapter 139~

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dramas about to go downnn haha

Jennaveve's POV

The waiter brought the champagne to the table, and set it down onto the white table cloth. I admired the place for a moment, but my attention was suddenly directed to the door. I watched as a blue-haired boy walked into the restaurant followed by a girl with bleach blonde hair. "What the hell?" I muttered, looking at Calum with wide eyes. "What babe?" Calum asked. He followed my gaze back to the door. His eyes narrowed. "I'm so sorry Eve." He sighed, glaring at Michael and the girl. He stood up from the table angrily. "Don't make a scene Calum, it's fine." I said. "No its not Eve. This is our special night and he brings some bimbo here that I've never even seen before." I sigh, calming myself down too. I stay quiet. Calum rushed over to the front of the restaurant. He pulled Michael away from the giggling blonde, gripping his arm tightly. "What the hell are you doing here, Michael. You knew that me and Eve were going here." He spits through gritted teeth. Michael's breath reeked of alcohol. "Brooo. Chill. I'm just taking Vanessa out." He slurred. Calum groaned. "Go home or I swear to god I'll-" Calum started. I maked my way over to the arguing boys after I saw the hostess staring at them, not knowing what to do. I grabbed Calum's arm, pulling him off of Michael. "Let's go." I said. Calum shook his head. "I'm not leaving because of them." He said harshly looking at the blue boy. Michael is rubbing himself up next to the girl, and I heard him calling her babe and 'Vanessa'. I heard her correct him, saying her name was Lillian. Remember? She said giggling. I shook my head, feeling tears threaten to spill. "I don't want to be here Calum." I said. Calum glares at Michael again. "I hate you." He spits. Michael looks suprised and stops laughing along with the blonde. Calum turned to the hostess, paying for the champagne and a tip. "I'm so sorry." He said. He grabbed my arm, pulling me out the door, hitting his shoulder against Michaels. "I'm so sorry, Eve. This absolutely sucks. He's such a dick." He said, rubbing my arm, leading me to the car. "Its fine. It won't ruin our night." I said. Calum gets into the car and I follow him, moving my roses out of the way of my seat. We sat there for a while before he turned on the car and started driving us back to the hotel. Calum's room.

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