Chapter 137~

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Jennaveve's POV

"Your server will be right over." The hostess said and then walked away. "Mrs. Hood, aye?" I asked laughing. Calum smiled at me, his cheeks squishing up. I looked around. There were couples at each table. Calum was across from me. He sighed happily and looked at me for a while. We just looked at eachother. Finally I started giggling. "What?" Calum said giggling slighlty. "I've just never seen you so serious." I said laughing and squinting my eyes at him. Calum blushed slightly. "This is important." He said. I smiled. Calum picked up his menu and started looking over it. I did too. "Calum!" I said. "This is so expensive.. Ohmygod." He giggled. "Anything for you. Get whatever you want, don't look at the price." He said. I nodded. "Okay.." I said slightly. Calum rolled his eyes. "I'm serious. I've got this." He said, putting his hands up. He ran a hand through his curls. I nodded. "Okay." I said again. The waiter came to our table. "Can I start you off with a beverage?" He asked. I nodded. "I'll have the raspberry lemonade." I said. Calum giggled. "Actually she'll have the sparkling champagne." He said, eyeing me. I giggled quietly rolling my eyes. "And so will I." Calum said. The waiter nodded. "That'll be right out." He said. "Champagne, Calum? What are you trying to do?" I said laughing and shaking my head. "Make you happy!" Calum said smiling at me.

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