Chapter eighty three~

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Jennaveve's POV

We all followed the boy to the front door. I tried to walk next to Michael but he was still ignoring me. Well if he was going to act like that, then two could play this game. I walked next to Calum. He smiled at me. Ashton pulled off his shirt and pants and was standing in his boxers. He gave us a thumbs up at the end of the driveway before facing away from us, pulling off his boxers, and covering his junk. Everyone started laughing as he ran down the street to the green house. "Oh my god. Shit!!" I said. The old woman who lived there was getting the mail. Ashton ran past her a couple feet and then took off back to us. His hand still over his area. The woman stared at him with wide eyes and then started yelling something about "people these days." I started laughing do hard that my stomach hurt. I leaned onto Calum for support so I didn't die from laughing. I felt Michaels eyes on me.

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