Chapter twenty one~

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Jennaveve ' s POV

Charlie shrugged. "Yeah." He agreed that we wouldn't be dating any time soon. I laughed. "Let's watch a movie!" Charlie said. "Okay." I said. He ended up picking something called "The human centipede" I felt scarred for life after it ended. It was about a crazy scientist who kidnapped people and turned them into a human centipede by gluing them together butt to head. I stared at the black screen on the tv and laughed. "Good pick, idiot," I said, looking over at my wide eyed friend. Charlie looked at me and blinked. "FUCK THIS, I'M OUT!" He screamed and jumped off of the floor in front of the TV and into his bed, pulling the covers over his head. "Well bye then." I said laughing. My phone buzzed and I got excited and picked it up. It was my mom. Wow my life is great. "Night sweetie." It read. I texted her back while groaning loudly. I jumped on top of Charlie. He was very strong and had decent muscles, besides the fact that he was a full time fanboy and I swore he should be gay because of his obsession with Ashton. But he was very straight, he even pretends to be my boyfriend alot of the time. But we think of eachother as almost sister and brother. My weight didn't even bother him. "IM ON TOP OF YOU DUMBASS." I screamed and then he rolled over, taking all the covers with him in a giant taco. I fell off of him and started laughing. He rolled off the bed and out his bedroom door. I laughed really hard until my stomach ached and yanked the blankets off of him. He yelped, "DON'T MAKE ME A BUG. I'M ALLERGIC TO BUTTS!" I laughed. "NOT ALISON'S!!" I teased. He slitted his eyes at me. "Oh, so you don't deny it!?" I laughed. Charlie pulled me onto the ground with him. I giggled. "Get off me." I wheezed. "YOUR CRUSHING MY SOUL!" I yelled when he layed on top of me. Charlie laughed and got off me. I coughed. "Thank god you didn't kill me." I said. My phone buzzed again and I looked at it from across the room. Me and Charlie looked at eachother and then at the phone. He smiled and I ran over to it. "Jennaveve! (eggplant emoji)" it said. "I THINK IT'S HIM!" I screamed. "Michael?" I texted back. "It me!" He replied. I screamed again. Charlie pretended to pass out. I giggled and made a contact for Michael. "Mikey(eggplant emoji)" He's lucky I don't sell fans his number for money. Charlie sat next to me on the ground and stared at my phone with me. Michael texted me again, "Luke just reminded me that it's really late, so goodnight Jennaveve(tounge emoji)" I smiled. "We are basically married already." I told Charlie. He laughed. "TrUE" He said. "Night Mikey. You can call me Eve btw." I sent Michael. He replied with an eggplant and then with "Ok Eve(wink emoji)" I laughed. I jumped into Charlie's bed. "Night Charles." I said. "Night Jenna." Charlie said and smirked at me. "Oops." I said, laughing at our horrible nicknames. "Let's not do that." I said smiling. Charlie threw a blanket over us and put his arm over me. I fell asleep very quickly, even after all that excitement.

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