Chapter 188~

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Alison's POV

"We aren't even on the ice yet," Luke laughed, holding onto my arm to balance me. "I don't have good balance," I laughed, looking down at my skates. "Awe," Luke laughed, lifting my chin up and pecking my cheek. I smiled and turned to hobble over to the ice skating rink. Placing my left skate on the ice, I quickly pulled myself on it, grabbing onto the wall. "C'mon, baby giraffe," I said, looking over at Luke as he stared at the ice uncertain. I reached out my hand and let him grab it, pulling him put onto the ice.

Jennaveve's POV

I saw Luke and Alison get on the ice and I smiled, waving at them with my free hand. I looked around at Ashton and Lauren who were also skating hand in hand and Charlie and Ava skating around eachother. I giggled as Calum pulled me closer to him, my skates awkwardly moving sideways and scraping the ice. Calum kissed my forehead and squeezed my hand. I sighed happily. Even though I was freezing and sucked at skating, this was still amazing because of Calum. "Do you want to sit down for a second?" Calum asked. I nodded and he lead me over to the clear door off of the ice. The rubbery floor felt really solid when I stepped onto it. I suddenly could walk again. I giggled at Calum who flopped down on the bench, huffing. "Calum! You preform for a living. You shouldn't be this tired." I joked, giggling. Calum rolled his eyes. "Making sure you don't die is a lot of work, babe." He said, jokingly. I smirked and sat down next to him. He put his arm around me and kissed my head again. "I love you so much." He sighed. "Me too." I said, looking up at him. We watched the other couples skate for a minute in silence before Calum grabbed my hand and helped me up again.

Alison's POV

"Thanks," Luke smiled, starting to pull himself along the wall. I giggled and pushed my self away, watching as his fingers gripped onto the cold wall. Luke looked at me and raised his eyebrows, "I thought you said you were bad?" I shrugged and said, "I never said I couldn't ice skate though." Luke rolled his eyes and put his hand out for me to grab, which I gladly took. "So, you and Charlie are over," Luke said, raising his eyebrows and pulling me close, wrapping his arms around my waist. "We were never a thing," I said, putting my hands on his chest, feeling his heartbeat through his jacket. "Good," Luke smiled, placing a kiss on my cheek."

Jennaveve's POV

Calum lead me out on the ice again and just as we were pushing off one of the walls, Calum fell, pulling me with him. "Babe!" I squealed, laughing. We sat on the cold ice, and I put my hands on his hard chest, pushing him down so he was laying on the ice and I kissed his lips. He giggled and kissed me back, putting his hands on my cheeks. I started to get up, looking at the blades of my skates that were covered in ice shavings. After I pushed off the cold ground, Calum followed. Ava and Charlie skated over to us, hand in hand. "Have you guys had enough of falling on your asses?" Charlie asked, laughing. I smiled at Calum. "I think so.." I said, pulling his beanie off of his head and pushing skating away slowly towards the door, trying not to fall. "Hey!" He called after me, his messy brown hair puffed up on his head. He ran his fingers through it and followed me. Ashton and Lauren were sitting down outside of the ice area, talking. "You guys ready?" I asked as I stepped off of the ice. "Yep." Ashton said, putting his hand on Lauren's knee. I smiled and nodded. Calum wrapped his arms around my waist and snatched his hat back away from me. I giggled and made my way to the skate room to take my skates off my aching feet.

Alison's POV

I looked over at everyone and saw they were starting to leave. "Hey!!" I frowned, pulling away from Luke and skating over towards them, leaving Luke on the wall. "Ali!" Luke exclaimed, gripping the wall tightly as he skates started to move. "C'mon giraffe," I giggled, starting to skate backwards to the exit. When I got out, I went over to Jennaveve. "Veve, can we talk?" I asked, looking at Calum and then at Luke who was getting out of the rink.

Jennaveve's POV

"Uh, sure." I said smiling at Calum to let him go take off his skates. I sat down on the bench outside of the skate room, away from the others. "What's up?" I asked, untying my skates while looking at Alison.

Alison's POV

I followed Jennaveve's lead and took off my skates too. "What are we doing?" I asked, "with the boys I mean. They are always on tour and I don't know how we could be with them..." I shook my head and put my head in my hands, closing my eyes.

Jennaveve's POV

I pulled off my right skate and sighed. "I really don't know honestly. I mean, me and Calum are dating, so I guess we will try long distance? I've been stressing about this for the past week and I decided to just see what happens... I don't know if Cal even wants to change anything." I said, shrugging. "And you and Luke are just a mess." I joked, pulling off my left skate as well. I stood up for a second. "Damn. Flat feet feels great." I said, laughing slightly.

Alison's POV

"Excuse me bitch, Luke and I are perfect," I laughed standing up. "Yeah we are," I heard a deep voice behind me and arms wrapped around my waist. "Honey, we ain't even dating," I laughed, looking up at him then back at Jennaveve. "Are you going to ask Cal about it?" I asked, laying my head on Luke's chest.

Jennaveve's POV

"Maybe...tomorrow at the airport. I can't do it today." I said, making my way into the skate room to see Calum sitting on the bench on his phone. "Ready to go baby?" He asked, looking up at me. "Yep..." I said. He got up and grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers. "Lets go." He said, leading me out of the room. Everyone was all ready to go, so we made our way out to the parking lot. Ava turned off the lights and locked up the place. "Was fun?" Ava asked, smiling at us. "Yeah.." I said, smiling at her and then looking up at Calum. I have no clue how I'll survive tomorrow.

Alison's POV

I followed behind Jennaveve and Calum, Luke's and my hand intertwined. I laid my head on Luke's arm as a yawn escaped my lips. "Alison?" Luke said, breaking the silence between us. "Hmm?" I hummed, looking up at him. "What are we?" Luke asked, biting his lip. "I don't know," I sighed, "If we dated now it would have to be long distance because you're always gone from touring." Luke's thumb pad circled around my hand continually. "I know," he sighed, climbing into the car next to me.

Jennaveve's POV

We got to our cars and I smiled at Calum. He pushed his lips to mine and I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Bye baby.. see you tomorrow." He said, biting his lip. "Bye Cal.." I said, turning to get into the car quickly. Ashton and Lauren hugged and Lauren got into the car too. "I can't believe they are leaving tomorrow." Lauren said, frowning. "I know..." I said quietly. Ava and Charlie got into the car as well and I looked out the window at the boys' car.

Alison's POV

I smiled sadly as Luke got out of the car,"I'll see you tomorrow." Luke placed a kiss on my cheek, "See you tomorrow." I closed my door and sighed, looking at Lauren and Jennaveve. "How are they already leaving, it feels like they just got here," I said, fiddling with the rings on my fingers.

Jennaveve's POV

I bit my lip as Charlie started to drive away. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even hear us pull up to Charlie's. Ava and Charlie hugged and kissed and Ava hugged me and the other girls. "I've got to go." She said, and then got into her car and drove away. I hugged Alison and Lauren. "See you guys tomorrow at the fucking airport..." I said sighing. I went into the house and flopped on Charlie's bed, trying not to cry. I changed into my pajamas and took of my makeup and went straight to bed, biting my lip so tears didn't slip out of my eyes. The bed dipped beside me. "Goodnight Eve. I'm not going anywhere." He said, kissing my head. "Goodnight Charlie." I said, drifting off into sleep.

Alison's POV

I waved goodbye to Charlie and Jennaveve and walked to the front door, unlocking it and walking it, letting Lauren lock it. "I'm going to miss Ashton so much," Lauren sighed, taking off her jacket and replacing it with a plain black shirt and changing her jeans to grey shorts. "Same, I'm going to miss Ashton too. He was my boo," I said, changing into my pjs too. "I'm serious Ali," Lauren said slightly hitting me on the arm. "Ow, I'm getting a bruise from everyone hitting me," I frowned, looking down at my arm. "C'mon, lets go to sleep," I said climbing into bed and pulling the sheets over me, Lauren doing the same.

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