Chapter 18

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Standing face to face, Hana or Hannah stared calmly at Jungkook who still froze on the ground. Yes, it's still hurt her to know the truth that after all of this time, he's still cheating on her. She thought the moment when he lose Hana would makes him realize and stop cheating, but now she wasn't sure anymore. Now she's stronger enough to not broke down in front of him.

"H-Hana?? Y-You're Hana???" He muttered disbelief.

"Yes. I'm Jung Hana. Your ex girlfriend who supposed to be die in that room where you promise to meet me, but in the end you were with that btch?" You scoff. "I thought you've changed but seems like I was wrong."

"W-why? Why you do this to me? You know how much I suffered when I thought you were gone forever?"

"Suffer? You talk about suffer?? Then don't you realize how much I suffer since I dated you? How many times you flirt with other girls? When everyone were bad talking you as playboy and I can't even say a fckg thing because I care about our future. I did what you told me to keep our relationship as secret, but then what I get? What you did with Hikari behind me? Near my debut date, you're trying to kill me?" You blabbering as you want as tears that you've been holding fall down when you recalled the bad memories.

"Do you even know what's really happened that night?" He whisper slowly as he get up. "Do you even know the reasons why I obeyed what she told me to? Do you fckg know what my feelings be like for those months since I thought YOU DIED??" He yelled at the end makes you startled a bit.

"Jung Hana, Park Hannah. Funny. How easy you came back to my life and tricked me to fall in love with you again. You must be so satisfied right? Why? You want to know if I really want to kill you? Should I told you the real story about me, Jung Hana, and Park Hannah?" He scoff and look down, took a deep breathe before starting.

"It started on one night when I drop you off in the company. Hikari, she came to me and threatened me, if I didn't obey what she ask me, she will reveal to public that you were dating me and she's sure it will give you bad effect especially for your carrer. TO PROTECT YOU, I obey what she asked me to. You know what she want me to do?" He paused and look at you sharply. "She want me to act like her boyfriend whenever she want to. Of course, I reject it at first, I love you and only you. I admit there was some misunderstood with some girls before, but it's nothing to me. No one actually means something to me as much as you did. So I agreed, hoping you will stay safe and your carrer will be success, but then.

Everytime she saw us together or knowing you went out with me, she would be jealous and asking for my attention. I'm getting tired of treating her nice and it feels like hell because I know I was like cheating on you. Although it's not what my heart want. I can't act nice longer, so one night I yelled at her and push her away. That was my mistake. I made her mad and she end up tricking you when you wait for me.

That night, she force me to meet her and she purposely spill her water on my clothes then force me to get change at toilet. That's when she messaged you with my phone. When I came out and realize what she just did, I slap her and push her away before run to you, but,... you're no longer there, and I thought you left me, forever." He smirk at the end shaking his head.

You stood there like frozen statue. Feels like you've been slapped hard on your face. What you've done? You should've asking for the real reasons before judging him. You should've trust him first.

"6 months. I lived like a freaking zombie for 6 months, thinking that I lost you forever. I almost kill my self because of the guilty in my chest. Then a similar girl came, Park Hannah. She light up my world like nobody could, so I could feel alive again. After getting know each other for awhile, I realize I fell for her, but in the same time feel guilty towards Hana. But she makes me realize I can't live on past forever, she told me to live for now. I really have a thought of having a serious future with her. I love her, truly. As much as I do with Hana." He sneered and took few steps approaching you.

You look up to meet his eyes, but it was nothing inside. It's just so dark and empty.

He was smiling, but it was a very unfamiliar smile for you.

"Tonight, I was planning to ask her to marry me. I set up the scene like I was cheating on her to tease her. When she arrived, I've noticed and set up everything. I don't even on phonecalls with anyone. I was playing the game nicely for awhile. She was jealous and really thinking I was cheating. It was so good because it means I'm succeed to tease her until she state out something that I don't understand. Something that I never expect. She was actually my ex that came back to my life as another girl. Tragic, right?"

"J-Jungkook I-" He hold up his palm and stopped me from talking.

"Don't say a thing. I'm so done with you now. I can't even look at you right now." He stop and avoid your eyes. "Liar."

With that he walk out from your apartment, leaving you broke down on the floor, crying like there's no tomorrow.

You feel ashamed of yourself. How could you hurt him like this? Without knowing the truth, you came back to revenge on him, but you're too obssessed with your own plans that you forgot about something important, the truth.

Now, you've finally know the truth but Jungkook left you now. He must be so mad and dissappointed at you.

"Hana!!" You heard someone called you but you don't even bother to look up, you know who he is.

"Hana, what happened?" Wonwoo came to you and held your shaking figure as you cry louder. "I met Jungkook at the parking lot. He looks like a monster. D-Did you two fought or something?" He continue as he caress your back.

"He knew it all now. And... And the worst is.." You said between your hiccups. "I've been misunderstood. All he did with Hikari, was... was just because he wanted to protect me. About, that night too.. It's not him, but... but Hikari..." You cried out loud. "Now, he hates me. He called me liar. I'M SUCH A LIAR!!!" You yelled and you hit your chest hardly to ease the pain you feel in your heart now.

"HANA! STOP!!!" Wonwoo yelled and hold your wrist, to stop you from doing stupid things. "He won't come back just because you hurt yourself!!"

"Then what should I do?? My chest feel so hurt right now that I can't even breath!! What should I do, oppa?" You getting weaker as you cried and yell too much that you collapse in his embrace.

Wonwoo stared at you with his sad eyes and soothing you down as much as he could, but deep inside he was also feel so hurted watching you suffering like this. He know he need to do something.

"Hana.." He called calmly and deeply.

"Hm??" You hummed, still sobbing.

"Want to ease away your pain?" He asked and you look up at him in surprise.

"Let's drink alcohol."

What would happen to Hana and Jungkook?
Who she will end up with? Jungkook or Wonwoo?
Do you think Jungkook will forgive her??
Check it out in next chapters😆

Explanation Point:
• Park Hannah is Jung Hana
• Flashback started on Chapter 1 and ended on Chapter 17

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