Defying Court Orders

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I was packing for first period at my locker when Scott walked over.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey." When I looked at him, there was just something different in his eyes. The sparkle was gone. "What's wrong?"

"You know me so well." He rests his temple against the locker beside mine and sighs. "My dad stopped by my house after I left your place."

"Scott, he can't do that. Did you call the police?"

"How could I? He had an FBI agent with him. A friend of his from college."

"Did he do anything?"

"No, he just smiled at me. I've never been so happy for my mom to have been working the night shift. If she'd have gotten home," he trails off and shakes his head. "I don't even wanna think about what he'd have done."

I rest my hands on his shoulders. "Everything is gonna be alright. We can go to Mark after school. That's against your restraining other. He can't do that."

"Its not that big of a deal. I can handle my dad. I just don't want him hurting you. If he comes anywhere near you, I want you to come get me immediately. I don't care how early or late it is. I won't let him hurt you, not again."

"I can protect myself."

"I know you can. I'd just prefer if you didn't have to. I'm sorry that I've made him your problem."

"Hey, I love you. We share our problems." I kiss his neck and when I feel him relax I say "So don't worry about it. Just focus on school, lacrosse, and me. In that order."

Scott chuckles and says "Does it have to be in that order? I have a free period this morning. I wouldn't mind spending that time kissing you."

"I can't. I have a test first period. How about we spend lunch together?"

"Can't. Early practice for the game tonight. After the game?"

I nod and say "That's perfect. I better head to my first period. See you later."

He kisses me before I walk away to French. I was done with the test after ten minutes. It was just a simple translation and for me, it was nothing. I speak French fluently but my mother insists that I take it to keep up with it. She doesn't want me forgetting little things. I turned to the window and looked out at the lacrosse field. Lydia was talking to Scott. The two sitting across from each other and Stiles jogs over to them and Lydia kisses him quickly. Stiles and Scott bump fists and Scott laughs when Stiles starts waving his arms around crazily. I turned away shaking my head. Stiles was hilarious and too full of energy.

Ms. Morrell left the room to talk with Mr. Harris who had come to complain about the teaching of another language when we "idiots" can barely speak English. The class erupted into conversations and I started tonights homework, not wanting to have to do it at home.

"Hey beautiful," Scott said from the open window causing me to jump slightly. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you. Just wanted to visit my girl who I love very much."

I turn to the door and see Harris and Morrell arguing so I stand and go to the window. "I love you too." I kiss him quickly.

I could hear the girls is class sigh dreamily and the guys were just mumbling something under their breath. I went back to my seat which made Scott pout. Scott glances at the door before climbing into the classroom and standing next to my desk.

"Come with me to the cabin over the summer. Please."

"I can't. I might be going to France and if not there, Lydia invited me to her cabin. We already spoke about our summer plans."

I Love Him But I Can't (Scallison)Where stories live. Discover now