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Dear You,

A lot of things suck. Did you know that? There is one thing that I love though. I really love it a lot. Rain.

It's raining here right now and it's wonderful, plus it's nighttime so that's just a double win. 

The reason I love rain though is a bit of a odd one.

I love rain, because it can be something beautiful and happy or it can be sad and it's different for every person.

I mostly love it though when I'm sad.

I just went outside and I just wanted to stay there. Right there in the rain. I didn't want to come back inside, because it felt so good and cool on my skin.

A lot of thoughts ran threw my mind, but this one especially and it's, in fact, the reason why I'm writing this letter.

I love the rain because when you're sad and all you want to do is cry, but for some unknown reason you can't, the sky cries for you.

The sky cries all the tears you wish you could and I just think that's wonderful.

I just wanted to stay outside and sit down and get rained on, like in the movies, but we obviously know that didn't happen. I wish it could've though. I really honestly do.

There is so much more I want to say, but then again I don't want to put it in this letter so I guess those things will just go unsaid.

Too bad.


Well I hope you enjoyed my take on rain. Of course now I have much different opinion on it when I am happy, but for right now let's just focus on my reason for when I am sad.

I don't know about you, but I think my reason for being sad is strangely beautiful.

Or who knows. Maybe I'm just a freak with a weird opinion on rain.


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