Until My Heart Explodes

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"We'll think of a plan to get them out of hiding, to warn them about what is to come. "

Korse. Holy shit.

I moved quickly out of his sight and crouched behind a shelf of boxes.

I felt my nerves and anxiety skyrocket as he smiled menacingly at the four killjoys who were keenly watching him.

In a flash my stiffness melted away to complete and utter focus. All of the killjoy's guns were pointed at the man in white walking slowly towards them. If any second, any sudden movement, Korse would be lying on the waxed and sleek floor himself.

Beside satan himself, was five draculoids, presumably to be distractions to divert out attention.

"It's been a long time since you four and I have crossed paths. "

"Yeah, well fuck you, asslamp." This time, it was Fun Ghoul that spat out the string of colorful words.

This made Korse turn his focus away from Party towards the small man behind him.

"Ah, Fun Ghoul I presume. " He took out his plain white blaster and spun it around in his hand, "I don't like people who talk back to me."

Ghoul glared with all of the hatred in his being.

My mind snapped back into focus as I remembered that we needed a way out of here, or we would be dust by the morning.

I quietly crawled behind the many shelves while Korse and his minions were distracted by the Fabulous Four, trying to think of a plausible way out of this place.

C'mon, Kill Switch, think. Use what's around you to your advantage.

I looked around, and sure enough, on one of the shelves was a bottle of gasoline. And I had my ray gun in my hand.

If I can't find a way out, I may just have to blow my way out of here.

I needed to come up with a plan, and fast. The other killjoys were starting to realize that I was nowhere to be found, and we're looking around for me, and Korse was starting to catch on.

Before I could do anything destructive with the gasoline, I was being dragged away by white gloved hands. Shit.

I didn't struggle at all, figuring that I should keep up my don't-give-a-fuck attitude.

Korse looked surprised for a second, but then replaced it with the same shitty attitude from before.

"You four brought another rat with you, what a lovely surprise. And you are?" He walked up to me.

"Shitface McGee. " I sneer at him.

I can see the pure rage in his face before he slaps me.

When I recover, I smile at him with my now bloody smile.

I can't see it, but the four killjoys behind me are seething with rage at Korse.

So much so, that Fun Ghoul shoots the draculoid holding my arm to the floor, which starts the bloodbath.

Remembering that I left my gun abandoned on the floor near the gasoline, I grab the now dead Drac's gun and join my friends in shooting the bastards from BL/ind.

"Kill Switch, are you okay?" Party yelled to me over the sound of gunfire.

"Peachy, I have an idea to get us out of here, I just need you guys to cover me. Shiny?"

Party nodded, and I ran towards my gun and grabbed it and the bottle of gas.

Jet Star raised an eyebrow at me, "This isn't another one of your stupid ideas, is it?"

"Hell yes. " I grinned at him before ordering,"At my signal, I need you guys to take cover. This is going to be incredibly stupid, but hell it might just get us out of here. Shiny?"

"They're going to blow this place up. We need to move, now. " Korse used the remainder of the killjoys as distractions so he could escape from the soon-to-be destruction site.

"Take cover now!" I yelled before throwing the bottle towards the Dracs and shooting it.

"Let's blow this shindig!"


Hey guys! I finally updated!

Anyways, I'm super proud of this chapter , it's one of the best I've written so far in my opinion. Hopefully you guys like it just as much as I do.

Also, what else would you guys like to see in this story?

PS. I think the song for this chapter is badass, which is pretty fitting for the chapter.

New chapter of "The Only Hope For Me Is You" coming soon!

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