Always Bring Fire to a Firefight

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The next day all of us were piling into the Trans Am to take care of a few dracs and other small errands.

"Get in loser, we're going drac killing." Party sassed as I walked out of the diner.

I hopped in the car and took my seat before Party floored it. I swear he's going to kill us one day with his reckless driving.

He switched the radio station to WK' L 109 FMX and Dr. Death Defying's voice flooded the car.

"Alright, tumbleweeds. This next song is for all of you adrenaline junkies out there." The beginning of Destroya started and everyone in the car started singing along.

"I haven't heard this song in years!" I laugh while they start singing loudly and out of tune.

"This song is still the shit!" Fun Ghoul started playing an air guitar.

The car started to shake with everyone's dancing and the very loud music.

I glanced behind us to spot a single white car speeding towards us.

"Guys, Dracs behind us!" I yell over the music and put my bandana over my nose.

"Get ready, guys. This is gonna be bumpy!" Party yelled before doing a sharp turn throwing us around.

Fun Ghoul and I stood up on the seat, sticking out of the spots where the windows were supposed to be each took shots at the car, trying to hit the Drac that was driving.

"We're going to need a bit more than this, Kill Switch." Ghoul got down for a second, grabbing what looked to be a reused can of Power Pup.

"Let's try some target practice. " He threw the soda can at the car, some of the liquid inside spilling out before shooting it, causing a small explosion.

I smiled at him, knowing his plan and picking up another can.

"Can I help you out here?" I grinned at my own joke while Fun Ghoul glared at me.

"Why yes, you can." I threw the can on the windshield of the car and shot it, successfully making the car explode with it.

Ghoul and I high-fived before getting back in the car.

"What's with you and explosions, Kill Switch?" Jet Star joked, elbowing me playfully.

I laughed and Party Poison did another abrupt and sharp u-turn causing all of us to curse in surprise.

"Damn, Party. Chill out dude." This time it was Kobra to speak up.

"Where are we going?" I piped up.

"Just to get some gas, should be a quick stop and then off to Dr.D's. Shiny?" I nodded back.

Soon after, we pulled into the old Dead Pegasus gas station and we all piled out.

Party started filling the car up while Fun Ghoul and Kobra Kid take copies of their favorite magazines, and Jet Star went inside, presumably to see what was new.

The owner of the station, Thrill Kill, was a friend of mine, and was very reliable. She sold rayguns, bandanas, the whole lot. She was dedicated to destroying BL/ind; and helping those who would help do it.

"Hey, Kill Switch. How much battery you got left?" Kobra was now standing beside a white BL/ind vending machine with his magazine under his arm and a vend-a-hack in his hand.

"Pretty low, is that a vend-a-hack? Dude, that's shiny as fuck. I would've killed to have one of those. " I geeked out, those were really hard to find but very useful.

"It is. I had to fix it up a lot, we found it pretty beaten up. But it works pretty well now. " He hooked the hacking device up to the machine before punching the battery button, letting a few batteries fall out.

"Thanks Kobra. " He threw me a battery and I high-fived him back.

"The cars all filled up, we should head out. " Party stated, getting in the car. Ghoul, Kobra and I followed while Jet Star said his goodbyes to Thrill Kill.

After pulling out from the gas station, Party floored it.

"Next stop, Dr.D's"

A little bit of a filler chapter, not going to lie. Nevertheless, I am really happy with how this story is turning out. If you've been reading for a while, you know that at first I had trouble finding the motivation to continue. And that motivation is mostly from you guys, reading this. You guys help motivate me to actually update this, and I can't thank you guys enough.

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