The Firetruck The Afro The Ghoul and The Kobra

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"We have failed to locate the base of the DJ. The transmissions we were following was a fake lead. "

Oh, shit.

I stayed silent, trying to not move a muscle until I found out who these people were. Were they dracs? Was it the other killjoys? Was it Dr. D? So many questions were running through my head. Until I heard a very familiar voice say,

"Switch?" I sighed in relief, and stayed where I was.

"Yeah. " I said, and sighed yet again.

"What's wrong, not glad to see us?" He and the others got out of their car.

"Not in the mood for sarcastic remarks, Firetruck. " I was seriously not in the mood.

"You know, I have a name. Not a real one, though. It's Party Poison. Just so you know. " he sassily back talked me.

I rolled my eyes, knowing that Dr.D put them up to this. They obviously weren't going to take no for an answer.

"Fine. " he smirked, and got back up, holding his hand out to help me up. I didn't take it, got up on my own, and walked to the car.

"You can sit in between Fun Ghoul and Kobra Kid. " he pointed to the two before getting into the drivers side of the car.

I nodded, and sat in my designated spot.

"Okay, let's go." Poison said, starting the car.

* * *

"And we're here. " Fun said, getting out of the car, with me following. From what I could tell, it was an old diner, but the name of the diner was faded to where it was no longer visible.

I opened the door for them, saying, "Ladies first. " letting them in first. I got glares back in response, but I just smirked.

"So, we sleep in the back rooms. You can go straight to bed, or you can eat something, then go to sleep."

"I'll choose the second choice, I'm beat." I decided.

"I'll show you the way" Kobra lead me through the back of the diner, to one of the doors.

"Here it is, if you need anything else we'll be in the front." He walked away before I could say thank you.

The room wasn't very much at all, but it was the best that they could get. There wasn't a bed, or even a mattress laying on the floor. There was just a pile of messily folded blankets and a flat pillow. It probably won't be the most comfortable thing in the world, but it was good enough.

After getting the blankets set up, I payed down on the cold floor and tried to catch up on my sleep.

Maybe it was because of the boys making a ruckus, or maybe it was my troubling thoughts clouding my head, but I couldn't fall asleep that night.


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