Once A Killjoy, Always A Killjoy

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Please read the author's note at the end, it's important!

Also *** means small time skip!

"We found a bunch of goodies for you guys!" I set the old Mousekat head down on the bar.

"What kind of 'goodies'?" Party Poison asked suspiciously.

"Well," I shoved my hand into my bag and pulled out the space helmet. "For our dear friend, Jet Star." I threw him the helmet.

"Woah. Where did you guys find this thing?" He was looking at it in pure amazement.

"An old gas station on the outskirts of zone 2, that place was a goldmine. " Kobra spoke up.

"And for the Poison of the Party."I took the Mousekat head off of the bar and threw it to him.

"Holy shit, this is amazing!" He grinned at the character head.

"We also got the guns, and some more bottles to use for explosives. " Kobra added, holding up his bag as well.

"Okay. I think we've got everything we need. You guys can work on the explosives, and we'll finish the details of the plan. Shiny?" Kobra and I nodded and went outside.

"If the explosives will probably only need to be used as a last resort, why do we need so many bottles? " I asked.

Kobra was silent in thought for a second, before shrugging, "So that we're prepared for the worst? I don't really know what Party has planned. "

"Alright. If it means blowing something up, I'm in. " He chuckled at that.

We both got to work doing our own things. He was modifying our ray guns to be more efficient, I was trying to fix the radio.

I was happy like this. Kobra and I were a great team, and we understood each other a lot.

"Hey, Kill Switch?" He didn't look up from the guns.


"Do you think we'll make it out of this alive?" His tone was very grim.

I took a second to think about it, before answering.

"I honestly don't know, Kobra. " I was very unsure of this mission. I was unsure of my feelings. I was unsure of everything.

"I don't want to know life without you guys. I know I couldn't handle it. " He was looking down at his feet now.

I got up and sat next to him.

"Kobra, we're all in this together. I can't promise that we will live through it, but we will all stand together. " I hugged him. He flinched, not expecting it, before hugging me back.

To be honest, I wasn't used to it either. I didn't know this side of me, it was weird.

We dropped the hug, and I leaned my head on his shoulder subconsciously.

"Hey guys! We're ready to discuss our plan!" Jet Star leaned on the door frame.

"Sure! Let's go inside!"I got up and dusted the nonexistent dust off of my pants before heading inside.

"We will split up if need be. It shouldn't get to that point, but you never know. "

"So we go straight into the heart of Battery City, and bust in, guns blazing. Shiny?" Party and Jet finished explaining it to us.

"Alright. You guys got everything together? " Kobra and I both nodded.

We all looked at each other, cherishing what could possibly be the last moments of friendship together.

"I just wanted to say, that you guys were probably the best thing to happen to me since before the fires. And for that I am eternally grateful. " I started to tear up.

We all embraced each other.

"Remember guys: Once a killjoy, always a killjoy. "

Hey guys! The end of the story is coming up! The next chapter will probably be one of the last!

Also, I really need help with this:
What should Kill Switch's mask be?

I want you guys to be more Involved in the story, and I would like to know what you guys think!

Thanks for reading!

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