Well My Gun Fires Seven Different Shades of Shit

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After Ghoul, Party was dead set on revenge. He started to get more antsy and irrational, which often put us in risky situations when we were on our little missions.

We were all sat down in the booth trying to keep down our Power Pup as per usual when Party piped up.

"We need to infiltrate Battery City. " He was dead serious.

We were stunned at what he had just said.

"Are you fucking insane Party?" I was shocked.

"That's a suicide mission, dude. " Jet Star added.

"We need to get some revenge. Fun Ghoul didn't die for nothing. " Party stared ahead at nothing with a stern look on his face.

"I understand you want to dust them. We all do. But just because you're angry doesn't mean we have to get ourselves dusted out of stupidity. " Jet Star tried to reason.

"We would have to plan it out probably weeks or even months in advance to make it a successful mission. But even if we did that, we don't have the numbers. Or the supplies. " Kobra added.

"Then let's plan it out. Kobra and Switch can get supplies, make new gear. Jet and I can strategize. We make do with what we have. " I shook my head at this idea.

"It's either you guys go with my or I go in alone. Your choice. " He added.

I was done with his shit.

"Look, fire truck . You can't make us decide that. You know that we would stand with you no matter what, and you're using it to lead us into a suicide mission. " I knew what he was trying to do.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it if I want to kill Korse and his chucklefucks. Because of them, my best friend is dead and I can't sleep until he gets justice. " He argued. This was turning into an argument.

"You would lose a whole lot more than just Ghoul if we went through with this mission. " I had to walk away, so I walked straight out of the diner into the cool air of the evening. I could feel my gun on my leg, so I knew it was safe to continue.

Honestly, after thinking, the mission might actually be successful if we have the right supplies and a plan, but I didn't want to give him the satisfaction. I was shitty like that.

As the sun kept going down, the air got colder. If I wasn't going to go back, I would need to find a place to crash so I wouldn't freeze to death. Literally.

I kept walking in the silent desert until I saw the Dead Pegasus gas station. I didn't think I had walked this far, but at least I know it's safe.

Hopefully Thrill Kill went home for the night, so I wouldn't have any explaining to do. I know that she always opens the place up to killjoys who need a rest for the night, I have stayed here on many occasions.

At this point, I was fucking tired, so I found a spot not in sight from the glass door, and let sleep overtake me.

Hey guys! This is kind of a shitty chapter. I had to rewrite it a few times, but I'll be doing some major editing after the story is over.

Can't think of a song for this chapter, if you have any suggestions please let me know.

Also, it might be a bit early to ask, but would you guys possibly like a sequel? The end of the book is in sight, and I would be willing to make one.

Thank you guys for reading!

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