Till the Party Breaks Down

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After our stop at Dr.D's, we set our sites to the edge of zone 5, to the only safe place for killjoys to enjoy themselves. It was a fairly small joint in the outer zones where killjoys could listen to music and have fun. Also, coincidentally, the place where Mad Gear and Missile Kid were playing a few songs tonight. And with all of us being fans of the duo, there was no way in hell we were going to miss that.

When we got there, you could already hear the coolest band in the zones jamming out.

While the guys decided to join the small crowd of people standing to watch them, I decided to take a seat the bar.

"Aye, Kill Switch. Haven't seen you here in a long time. How've you been?" The owner of the place, Blind Sight sat down next to me.

"Hey, Blind Sight. I've been just shiny, how 'bout you?" Blind and I go pretty far back, we met right after The Fires of 2012, and then he eventually opened up this place.

"Pretty great, the business here is booming. " He turned to see the band, who had just finished singing one of their classics.

"Alright, adrenaline junkies. Are you ready?" They started playing one of my favorites, Party Poison.

"This song is fucking amazing!" I said to Blind Sight, and he nodded in response.

Then, before they even finished the song, there was a very loud startling noise. Everyone inside started to panic, not knowing what was happening.

Soon after, Dracs. A whole shit ton of 'em. I almost shit myself.

I took out my gun and jumped over the bar for cover. I shot probably ten of them before the guys all  crawled around the bar and started shooting too.

We didn't even look at each other we were all so focused solely on getting the number of Dracs down.

Beams from ray guns were coming from all directions. So were screams.

I crouched down behind the bar while the guys covered me, and I dared to fish through my backpack. I grabbed the bottled gasoline I had kept in my bag, and set it down next to me while I got up and continued shooting.

"There's too many of them, we've gotta get the fuck outta here." Party shot down a drac with perfect aim.

"I have the last bottle of gas. We run for our lives and blow this place up along with the chucklefucks inside. " I proposed.

"No. There's too many of us in here. We can't. " Kobra bluntly stated, to which I nodded.


The building started to fall apart from the explosion.

"It looks like it's too late. We need to get out of here now. "

There was a half-broken window not too far from the bar that I had my sights on.

The building itself was starting to make a horrible breaking sound when I kicked the glass with my boot and rolled out, the others following.

Right after, the whole building collapsed. All of those people we were trying to save-gone.

"Where's Ghoul?" Party asked urgently

My heart dropped

We heard an agonizing scream from behind us- where Fun Ghoul was laying, his bottom half crushed by the wreckage.

"Holy fucking shit, Ghoul!" I yelled, running to him with tears welling in my eyes, they guys right behind me.

"Ghoul. Can you move your legs?" Jet Star was trying his best to stay as calm as possible and try to get him out.

He looked like he was about to pass out from the pain, but he shook his head no.

Kobra and Party were working together to lift the debris off of him, and Jet and I pulled him out.

"Alright, Frankie. I need you to look at me. Fight the urge to sleep. Please. " Jet Star pleaded as we tried our best to carry him to the car, all of us in tears.

"It hurts so fucking much. " He moaned agonizingly.

"Please, Frankie. Please. "

Alright! This chapter is probably one of my least favorite to write, just because I hate doing this to my characters.

Also, unfortunately, the end for this story is in sight. Not very close, but it will be coming to an end soon.

Thank you guys for all of the support, honestly. It means so much to me to see people commenting, and liking my story so much. Thank you.

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