You Stupid Kids and Your Pyromania

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"As thought, the plan was successful. "


I tried to take cover, but it did almost no good. I could feel my flesh bubble from the heat.

More than half of the building was in flames from the explosion.

I felt a hand grab my collar and pull me out of my protective position. It was Kobra Kid, who was trying to get me to stand up.

Jet Star kicked the previously locked door open, all five of us jumping out of the burning building and running as far away as we could  before the next explosion erupted.


The explosion made me duck to the ground in the duck-and-cover position from before.

Soon after, the adrenaline I must have been feeling from before wore off and the immense pain I should've been feeling the whole time finally set in.

I fell onto the ground and from the searing agony, screamed. The skin on my arms felt like it was bubbling from the pain. I've never felt this amount of unfathomable pain.

In a flash everyone was around me asking if I was okay, what was wrong, various things that I couldn't answer.

"She didn't take cover quick enough. Kill Switch was burned from the explosion, and pretty badly I think. Her arms are pretty destroyed. " Jet Star assessed the damage.

"We don't know if Korse made it out of the explosion, we should go. " Kobra suggested. They all nodded in agreement before he picked me up and started walking to the Trans Am with the other guys.

Luckily, I suggested to park the Trans Am away from the building before we went in, probably saving our asses from walking back a whole zone.

"You know Kill Switch, that was a fucking stupid idea. You could've easily been killed in that explosion." Party Poison pointed out when we started to drive.

I was about to argue back when he said,
"But that was pretty fucking awesome. You got us all out of there, thank you for that. " He smiled at me.

"No problem, dude. " I said through gritted teeth.

Soon, we got back to the diner and Jet Star was able to seriously address my wounds.

Turns out I now have third-degree burns on my arms and will probably have scars for the rest of my life, however long that will be.

After about two hours of Jet Star putting alcohol over my fresh burns and me almost punching him about a dozen times, I could finally get food and sit down.

First though, I went into the makeshift bathroom and grabbed the dusty and barely usable mirror.

When I looked into the mirror, I didn't like what I saw. My face had suffered from some burns, and my hair was very burnt.

Now I know what the whole burning hair smell was.

I took my small knife out of my jeans and brought it up to my hair.

After I was done, my hair was about the length of Party's.

I walked out to the front to get my shitty dog food for the nights and sat down with the rest of the guys.

"Nice hair, dude. " Fun Ghoul high-fived me.

"Thanks, I had to get rid of the burned parts. " I dig in to my food, trying to keep it down like I do every night.

After we were all done, we chatted about useless things.

"No, but Fun Ghoul's insult absolutely killed it. 'Asslamp?' Who thinks of that?"

It was nice, it brought a sense of normalcy that I had thought couldn't exist.

"But Kill Switch's name too. 'Shitface McGee' that was hilarious. "

I smiled a genuine smile, which I haven't done since the before the fires.

I think I had actually made friends.

Friends that I won't lose for a long time.

Hey guys! Another update, I know it's crazy!

I have really been motivated to update this story recently, and I'm happy that you guys are enjoying this story!

It really means so so much to me when you guys comment to tell me that you like the story, it motivates me so much.

Anyways, have a good day, and thank you for reading!

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