Kill Switch

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"We have located and killed another group of Killjoys, and the Dracs are currently searching for others. It won't be long until one of them spills about where Death Defying is located. "

•A Couple days before•

After 2 days of walking, I've found it. The abandoned little house that currently holds the number one most wanted person in Battery City, Dr.Death Defying.

You would think, that he would've been in a secret underground base, but nope. He switches his location every so often, so nobody really knows where he will be next.

I knocked on the door quietly, and waited.

"Hmm... I wonder who it is. Not the Fabulous Killjoys, they would've just walked right in. Not show pony either, would've heard him rolling up to the door on those squeaky roller skates. Not a Drac, or anyone from BL/ind either. " Dr Death Defying said in a joking manner, then opened the door.

"Ah! It's Kill Switch, my favorite lone ghoster. C'mon in. " he said, in the same joking mood from earlier.

" Thanks. I've heard that another band of killjoys got dusted by some Dracs, Raygun Rose and her team I think..." I said as I walked in, and took off my old backpack.

"Oh, really? Well, time to make another update broadcast." He walked back to his equipment, and stopped the song that was currently playing, then spoke into a mic, " Bad news from the zones, it seems that Raygun Rose and her crew got dusted by a Band of Dracs. So, remember fireflies. Keep your gun close. This is Dr.D, signing off. " He put on a different song, and turned back around to me.

"I also came here for more food..." I pointed to my backpack, signaling that I didn't have any food left.

"Oh! Take as much as you like. Ya know, Switch, you've been traveling for a long time, and I've been thinking, maybe you should join a group."

"You know I don't-" he cut me off.

"I know, you don't 'do' groups, but it is better for survival. You have a better chance of surviving, and you have good company. " he always does this. He tries to persuade me to join a group of Killjoys. I've done groups before, sure they are good company, but you get attached too easily, and they all end up dying in the end.

Then, there was what sounded like a car parking outside, then footsteps, and laughter.

"Well, lookie here. A perfect group for you to join. " he smiled at me, and I just grabbed my backpack, and was going to book it out the back before they came in here. And that's just what I did.

I bolted out the backdoor, and I thought I made it just I'm the nick of time, until I heard the words,

"Who just went out the back?"


You can imagine what I did next, and let me tell you, it was pretty damn stupid.

I ran.

I had ran for as long as I could, which got me pretty far. Far enough to where they probably couldn't track me down.

As it started to get dark, I realized that it was time to find a place to sleep. I sat down in a secluded spot, and took a can of 'Power Pup' out of my backpack. Luckily, I was able to down the dog food without it coming back up.

I laid down on the uncomfortable desert ground, and looked up at the sky. It reminded me of when I was little, and I used to watch the stars with my older brother. Oh, how I miss those times.

The sound of Trans Am brakes brought me back into reality, as I realized what was happening.

I never get a break, do I?

Who are these mysterious people looking for Switch? And who was in that Trans Am?

Anyways, I hope you guys liked this chapter. I had fun writing it, and uh yeah. Have a good day, and see ya next time!

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