Kobra Kid and the Creepy Case of Old Iron Face

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"Yeah, Party. She crashed here. " I could kind of hear Thrill Kill talking to someone on the radio, but I was too tired to actually understand what was being said. So I went back to sleep.

I woke up again to the little bell on the door ringing and footsteps. When I opened my eyes, I saw the fou- three killjoys talking to Thrill, and then I got up.

"Hey guys, didn't expect to see you here. " I said sleepily.

"Kill Switch! Are you fucking insane? You could've been killed- or worse, kidnapped by Dracs! Do you know how dangerous that stunt you pulled was?" Jet Star scolded me.

"I'm sorry, mom. I just needed to get out of there for a little bit. And I can handle myself just fine, thank you very much. I was alone out here for years. " I wasn't in the mood to argue.

"At least she was safe." Kobra Kid tried to defend me. Party stayed silent.

"Well then. I think you kids should get going. It was nice seeing you again, Kill Switch. " Thrill Kill interrupted our small argument.

All of us nodded.

"You too, Thrill. Thanks for the place to crash. " I high-fived her before walking through the door with the guys.

The first few minutes of the ride back was silent.

"We've decided to take on Battery City" Jet Star broke the silence.

"What? I thought you guys already said no." I was shocked to say the least.

"We gave it some more thought, and we all agreed to it." Kobra Kid explained, and I hesitantly nodded.

"When we get back we're going to start preparing. Kobra and Switch can go get the extra guns and other supplies we need to make this mission successful. Jet Star and I will plan it out. Shiny?" Party ordered, and we all agreed.

"Also, Dr.D made a special request when I told him about our mission. There's someone being held captive in the BL/ind building, and he asked that we rescue her. " Party added.

When we got back to the diner, I pulled Party aside for a minute.

"I'm sorry for the argument, it was irrational and wrong of me. I was just frustrated. " I apologized.

"Is this happening? Kill Switch apologizing? " He joked. "And it's okay. We all get like that sometimes. "

I nodded, and headed off to work.

"Alright, Switch. The gasoline we got is to make more explosives, and we'll handle that when we get back. " Kobra and I discussed what we needed to get.

"We need to get batteries, guns, masks here according to our little shopping list. We can Vend-A-Hack a lot of those things, but we need to search for the masks. " I added.

"We have a bike? Why didn't you guys ever tell me?" I asked, a bit surprised.

He shrugged, and put on his helmet, while he handed me a pair of sunglasses to protect my eyes.

We turned up the radio and blasted our old favorites from before the Fires. It was a good time.

"Our first stop of the day. " Kobra pulled over, where we spotted a BL/ind vending machine.

We Vend-A-Hacked to our hearts content, high-fiving when we were done.

Next, we scouted for masks and empty cans and bottles.

We pulled up behind what looked like an old gas station, and pulled out our guns. Luckily, nobody was in sight, and we were able to successfully raid the place.

I was scouring in the back rooms when I and across a treasure.

"Kobra! Come look at this!" He picked up the old thing, smiling.

"A Mousekat head! Party's gonna love this, it's perfect! What's it doing in a gas station like this, anyway?" He asked, and I shrugged and kept it under my arm.

"You know, you don't smile too much. You've got a kind of iron face thing going on. "

"There's not a whole lot to smile at these days, so I don't smile all that much. " He explained, and I nodded in understanding, going back to digging.

I dug deeper into the trash and saw an old zombie mask.

"Ghoul would've loved this old thing. " Kobra's smile turned into a frown. I put a hand on his shoulder, and we both half smiled at each other.

I put it in my backpack just in case.

"Well, lookie here. " I dug out a dusty space helmet.

"Jet Star?" He raised an eyebrow.

I nodded, and put it in my bag as well.

When we left, we saw a few Dracs speeding down the dirt road, kicking up dust with their bikes.

We both smiled at each other mischievously, and got on the bike. I put the Mousekat head on.

We were able to catch up to them pretty quickly, Kobra driving while I shot the bastards.

When all of the Dracs were dust, we stopped. And looked at their bikes.

"Hey, Kobra. They still got some gas in 'em, I think I'm gonna take one. They would be good for getaways. " He nodded.

We high-fived again, before I got on one of the Drac's bikes and sped back home.

I loved riding on motorcycles. The wind on your face, everything.

I thought a lot about Kobra also. I was really close with him, dare I say a little bit more than Party or Jet, but not by much.

We parked our bikes, and burst through the door smiling.

"We've found a bunch of goodies for you guys!" I set my bag down, ready for the shit the world would throw at us next.

Hey guys!

I'm so sorry for not getting this out sooner, I wanted to, but I fell asleep in the middle of writing this.

As the story comes to a close, I would like to say that I won't be able to update as much within the next few weeks. I have band camp in 3 days, and that's literally all day for two weeks. Please be patient if I can't get chapters out as quickly as normal.

Thank you guys for reading! 

P.S. The chapter name is inspired by an old Scooby Doo episode, and I couldn't help but love the title!

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