Chapter 1 (page 2)

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How to make friends (advices from an introvert):

1. Interact
This is the simplest way to make friends...and the most obvious one. To interact with someone, you should talk to them about something and then let yourselves wander through your conversations. Or be friendly with them and share some blessings-- juice, food, Starbucks, as long as you can make them happy and comfortable being with you.

2. Do not judge
You might encounter some rumors about them being like this, like that, whatever lies they may spread. Do not judge them by the rumors unless they have some proof or evidence about it. Do not believe the rumors so easily. Once you get to know them, you will see and know the truth for yourself. And maybe the truth is not so bad as the rumors say.

3. Do not have short temper
To be honest, I really have a short temper around my friends and relatives but with strangers? It's the longest one for all I know. I'm not saying that short tempered people are bad and must be discriminated because of their actions. I was just saying: prolong your patience. You'll lose everyone eventually if you don't. Patience really is a virtue and an advantage for making friends. Because without patience, you're just a stranger that was made to become their boss who often shouts commandments for you to follow every single second. You don't want that, do you?

4. Listen to all of their stories
As I said, it's interesting to listen to their stories. No matter how boring or repeated they may be, just listen to whatever they're ranting about and they will willingly listen to you if you have something to rant about too. Good karma, right there.

5. Listen to their needs
                 Do you need a hug? Do you want something to eat; to drink? Do you want a shoulder to cry on? Do you want to hang out and stuff?
Everyone has their own needs and you have the responsibility to listen to all of it if you're willing to become a good companion. I'm not saying that you should do it, even when it's beyond your capability. I'm saying that by merely listening, you can be appreciated. Do they need a hug? Hug them. Do they want something to eat/drink? Give/share them some snacks and juice or water. Do they want a shoulder to cry on? Gopher it (bad pun). Do they want to hang out and stuff? A simple walk around is enough, as long as you're there with them.

It's easy to listen to all of their needs and to satisfy it, keep it simple and/or meaningful.

Why is this important? Because people craves for attention, affection and most importantly, importance. They want to feel like they're important, that they have a purpose in life. And you can satisfy their craving, that craving that everyone has.

6. Have fun with them
                        Be playful once in a while, you know. They'll interact and respond better if you act playful. Act like you're close but not too close, it might've been awkward. Hehe...

So, there are just my personal opinion of how to make friends. I'm not even sure if they're effective to other people but with me, yeah they're effective.

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