Chapter 2

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Asimi's POV

I slowly open my eyes, only to shut them a second later. Due to my sensitive eyesight, everything seems a bit brighter. Finally opening them once again, I sit up from a, bed? I look around to see I'm in a room that seems to be some type of infirmary. I slowly try to get off the bed, but stumble and start to fall. Before touching the ground, a strong arm catches me and helps me regain my balance. I look over to see a pair of blue eyes looking back at me with a worried expression. I quickly move away from him, not liking the body interaction. I look back at the guy, now seeing his blonde hair.

"Are you okay?" He asks me. I growl in response. He seems shocked, but then smiles and reaches his hand out for me to shake.

"Hello, nice to meet you, I am Will, Will Solace," He introduces, flashing me a smile, showing his pearly white teeth. I cautiously reach my hand out and shake it, eyeing him warily. "Would you be so kind enough to tell me who you might be?"

I haven't spoken in human form for many years, even though animals and people seem attracted by it. Trying to put the words together, I say, "Asimi Fengari". His smile widens and he winks at me.

"Beautiful name." He says, making me look at him quizzically. "So," He claps his hands together. "Time to show you to Chiron."

He beckons me to follow him, and together we walk out of the infirmary towards the big blue house I saw earlier. As we near closer, I notice a man in a wheelchair on the porch, playing pinochle with a chubby purple-haired dude. A goat-man is sitting the other chair next to the chubby dude, a scared expression on his face.

Will continues to walk toward them, and taking that they are who we are looking for, I follow. We stop by the table and stand there. The old man looks at me and smiles.

"Good, we have four for pinochle now. " He says. I growl in response. He, too, is taken aback, but regains his posture and continues to smile.

"Hello then, I am Chiron, and this is camp HalfBlood. And yes, I am the Chiron from the Greek Mythology, trainer of heroes, that type of thing." He says and sighs, as if he has been asked that too many times. I tilt my head to the side, confused.

"What is Camp HalfBlood?" I ask him. His smile impossibly grows bigger.

"Well, child," He beckons me to sit. I comply. He continues. "Camp HalfBlood is for people like you, demigods. Half Human, half god. Greek gods, for that matter." He looks at me to see my reaction, which is portraying disbelief.

"But I'm not a demigod. I am a w-" I stop abruptly. I can't tell them what I am yet, right? Well, there must be a possibility of gods existing if werewolves exist. I sigh. "I suppose it could be a possibility." I reply plainly.

"Well," Chiron speaks up again. "Enough about that. Now, lets talk about what happened when you came here. From what I heard the satyr and the girl Rose say, they were attacked by a drakon and you suddenly appeared, am I correct?" I nod. "Then you fought the drakon," I nod again, "And then you grew claws and fangs and killed it." I look at him for a moment and then nod again. "Care to explain?" I shake my head no. Chiron sighs.

"Well then, we will discuss that later. My last question is after that. Can you at least explain what happened? So far I have found out many different stories, but I want to hear your point of view."

"Umm, I guess. So," I think back to it. "After I defeated the drakon, it left one of its teeth. So then I ate it." They looked at me weirdly. "It tasted like a poisonous apple. After I ate it, it felt as if I was on fire and after that I fainted." I conclude. Chiron and the chubby dude stop what they are doing and look at me with shocked expressions. Finally, after what seems like minutes, I break the silence.

"What? What is wrong?" I growl out, not liking their staring. The chubby dude leans back, still staring.

"It seems," he says in a hushed tone, as if scared. "That because you ate the tooth, you've become like a drakon yourself."

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