Chapter 7

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Asimi's POV

The silence continues, until I break it with the stupidest question ever.

"So... That's bad, right?" I mentally slap myself. They look at me as if I've just lost my mind, which I probably did.

"Bad? Bad wouldn't even describe it? This is a monstrosity! That would make you too powerful! It seems that I can't kill you, though. Fine," Zeus looks at me, distrust clear in his eyes. "You will have to swear on the River Styx that you will not go against Olympias and the gods." I put a hand on my chin, thinking it over.

"If I go with it, I can finally leave. If I don't, there will be some real drama going on." I clear my throat.

"I, Asimi Fengari, swear on the River Styx that I will not go against Olympias and the gods," I say. They sit back in their seats, relieved. I continue. "Unless, they for any reason go against me." I finish. Thunder crackles. Zeus looks as if he is about to explode, which has happened way too many times. He opens his mouth to speak, but Athena beats him to it.

"Very well. It is said, and could not be changed." She booms out, authority leaking through her voice.

"She must have got it from her father." I think with a smirk.

"Fine, but I still am allowed to do whatever I like. You are all dismissed! We will choose what to do about this Lycaon problem next time!" Zeus announces. Everyone slowly leaves, until it is only me, Chiron and Lupa. She nods to him.

"You may go, I would like to speak with my daughter." She says, not polite, yet not rude. He nods in reply.

"Very well. You may come and sleep in a room in the big house when you return, Asimi." Chiron offers. I shake my head no.

"I will sleep in the forest. Don't want to give away the habit just yet." He trots away, leaving just us two. I turn to my mother, crossing my arms.

"Yes?" I question. She sighs.

"It truly is good to see you again, Asimi. I have waited many years," She walks over, until she is now standing in front of me. She watches me for a second, taking in my appearance before continuing. "I know you must have many questions. You can ask them all." I shrug.

"I only have one. How did you have me with Lycaon?" She shifts her weight to one leg, thinking. A smile sprouts onto her face.

"You see," she smiles even wider. "When two people love each other very very much, they go through a phase of desire," I groan. "That is not how I had you." She finishes, looking away, sadness and rage now showing. I look at her with curiosity.

"Then how was I born?" She looks back at me. She runs of one of her hands through her hair, sighing.

"There was no love. I was in my weakest state when he took me. I had no say in it," she smiles at me again. "But at least one good thing came out of it." I look at her with confusion and shock, but then smile with her. I look around.

"I should go now," I smirk. "You wouldn't mind if you could somehow take me back to camp, right?" She scoffs.

"You should go to the roman camp, it is much better. Whatever, I guess you can stay in that place for now." She sends me another smile, then waves her hand in front of my face. A bright light in gulfs me again.

"Goodbye!" Lupa, or mom, says, before the light envelopes me in. I close my eyes, hoping for it to be over. I open them back up, to see I am in the middle of the pavilion, everyone eating. They look at me with wide eyes. I look down to see I am still wearing the gown and shoes, my tattoo there, of course.

"It's already morning?" I think, looking up to be met with a shining sun, nearly blinding me. "I forgot to ask mom what the tattoo is for." I walk towards the front table, which is occupied by Chiron and Dionysus, or Mr.D.

"I see you came a little later then thought," Chiron says, amusement showing in his eyes for no obvious reason. I nod.

"Didn't notice that time passed this quickly." I answer. Chiron nods in understanding.

"Well eat up," he says. "Today will be your first day at Camp HalfBlood."

Daughter Of Lupa And Lycaon(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now