Chapter 1

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Asimi's POV

I creep closer to the furry animal that lays before me, currently occupied by munching on some leaves. I lick my snout.

"I haven't had a rabbit for a while." I think as I steadily take a few steps forward. Taking another step, I crouch down to leap at it, only for me to step on a twig, making it snap and give away my location.

The rabbit raises its head, and when it spots me it quickly discards the leaves and starts running away. I stand up and run after it, my previous plan of a sneak attack completely forgotten. Thanks to my extremely fast speed, I reach it in a matter of seconds and snap at its neck. The rabbit stops running and falls to the ground, dead. I pick it up with my teeth and happily jog back to my cave.

Upon reaching it, I walk over to the back of my cave and place my meal on the floor, plopping down next to it. I turn back to my human form, thankfully with my clothes on, even though they are bloodied. I pick up the rabbit and rip through the flesh, not caring that it is raw. I love raw meat I'm a wolf, what would you think was going to happen?

Thanks to my fangs and extremely sharp teeth, it is easy to rip through and eat. I close my eyes, savoring the sound of the bones breaking apart every time I bite down.

After I finish my meal, I know I am not full yet, so I decide I will go on one more quick hunt, even though it is past morning and not yet for my usual second meal. I have a feeling something will happen soon. Maybe I'll find a moose?

I shake off the weird feeling I have and stand up, stretching. I suppose I will go as a human. Yup, a human with blood splattered clothing, perfect for if I meet a few kids that are on a field trip.

I suppose many things should be explained for this to be understandable.

My name is Asimi Fengari, or Silver Moon in Greek. I am half-human, half-wolf, or to put in simple terms, werewolf, but not exactly. I have chocolate red hair/fur with black streaks and my eyes are a misty silver color. The only reason I know my appearance is from peering into the occasional streams that I pass by. As for my name? I know my name because it was written on the floor of the cave I was born in. Long story short, I have lived alone in the forest my whole life, which is about, 17 years? 18? I don't know.

I walk out of the cave and start searching through the forest. Many bushes and trees later, I still can't find any prey. I can't surpass the feeling that something is going to happen, no matter how much I try to ignore it.

After an hour or two of searching, I finally give up and head back to my camping spot. Not even a minute later, a roar sounds through the forest, causing birds to squawk and fly in all directions. Thanks to my hearing and sense of direction, I conclude that it is about 3 miles away. Quickly running towards the sound, I stumble up to a hill with a giant oak tree.

About 200 yards away is a little girl of around the age 11 and a, goat? Strangely, there is a drakon in front of them, roughly about 50 feet long. Knowing they are in danger, I waste no time and run up the hill, now standing in front of the two facing the drakon. They let out a shriek of surprise but quiet down when they see I'm on their side.

Glaring at the drakon I take a step toward it. I've faced many drakons from living in the forest, but this one seems off. Out of the corner of my eye I see about 100 or so kids coming from the other side of the hill, some wearing armor, most holding weapons. When they see me they stop and stare. I can't help but think it's not only because I am standing in front of the drakon, but also because of my bloody clothes.

Taking them out of my head, I continue to walk closer to the monster, each step resulting in the drakon growling louder. Now only standing three feet away, I look at it, awaiting its next move. As if it read my mind, the drakon swings at me with its tail, but I jump up almost immediately, making it a miss. Growing frustrated, it spit out poisonous acid from its mouth, but I dodge it, making it yet again miss.

The kids in the back just stand there, watching.

"Well aren't they helpful" I think grudgingly. "Doesn't matter, I am better at this than them all"

Growing tired of playing around, I step back and growl at it. It grows confused as to why and how I growled, but then shakes its head and spits out more acid at me. Instead of moving away, I grow out my nails and block my body. I growl loudly, enough for the people to hear me and pounce at the drakon, extending my teeth and sinking it into its neck, clawing at its eyes. With a screech, it dissipates into its gold dust, only leaving one of its gigantic teeth. I never saw one leave a tooth before, making me confused.

I turn back around, ignoring all the shocked faces. Picking it up, I stare at the tooth. Growing bored of it, my curiosity wins the best of me and I plop it into my mouth, crunching on it. It has the taste of a...poisonous apple? I suddenly feel queasy, as if my body is on fire. I eyelids feel heavy and I collapse to the floor.

The last thing I see before falling into darkness is the moving figures of people carrying me towards a large, blue house.

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