Chapter 11

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Asimi's POV

I was confused as to what reason made Artemis help me. Doesn't she hate me? I mean, during my time in Olympus, she voted toward my death. Yeah, that's what you call friendship, I guess.

Other than the fact that Zeus nearly split me open with that bolt of his, I was thankful for the fact that Artemis stepped in. After a few minutes all spent on clarifying everything about me, their worry about me lessened, and Thalia could finally look at me without trying her technique of glaring me to death. Improvement, I'd say.

Of course, with something good, a few side affects happened, so unfortunately dinner soon ended and all of us went to the amphitheater to have a fire, like yesterday. I guess sitting at the Artemis table also gave me the privilege of sitting with them everywhere else, because pretty soon I was nearly suffocating to death, sitting between Artemis and some other girl I didn't recognize. Fortunately, the girl seemed scared of me and moved as far away from me as possible, so I had enough air to breath.

Not being much of a singer, I just sit there with my head in the palm of my hand, bored to death. The fire rose to the song, and it grew so high I thought me and the rest of the campers would be doomed if a demigod were to sing louder.

After all of the singing came to a stop, everybody was told to go to sleep. I follow the hunters through the dark, which wasn't hard once my good eyesight kicked in, up to a silver cabin. Well someone has a silver fetish.

And it doesn't stop there. Upon entering, I see rows and rows of silver beds, the walls colored in silver, the floor shimmering a silver shade, etc. So the hunters blended right in. A headache starts acting up, and I grip it as if to lessen the pain, which doesn't help the slightest. For once, concern is shown in Thalia's eyes, and she seems worried.

"My lady, what is happening to her? Isn't Lupa immune to silver?" She questions, facing Artemis. A troubled look crosses onto Artemis's face, yet it seems as if she was holding something back.

"Yes, Lupa is immune to such things. Although, Asimi hasn't had much practice with it, so until then it will continue hurt her, but not to a full extent." Not to a full extent? It already feels as if is burning my scalp, what could make it worse? Looking up at Artemis, it looks like she wasn't saying everything. I guess she has to hide the fact that I was the daughter of the most evilest 'wolf' alive too.

Despite the pain that is continuing to spread, the fact that something could stop it seems tempting to try and take away this second. But what is stopping me from asking that at the moment is the fact that most of these campers will probably not be willing to be forced to hear my struggles all night.

"Uh," I stumble through what I should do. "Can I sleep outside for the time being. Like, I could sleep right outside if that would make it easier." Seeing how it may probably solve this problem altogether, Artemis contemplates it, and after a moment she gives me a slight nod. That's enough for me to get out of there as fast as possible.

Quickly exiting the silver door(which was not helping), I hastily close the door and plop down near the side of the cabin, making sure to face away from the evil mini house. After turning into my red(well, sort of) wolf, I curl up against it, which surprisingly doesn't give me any pain, and slowly get sucked into the darkness called sleep. Or Hypnos.

~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~

I feel my mind slowly clearing up, although the sound of shuffling and something wet pressed against me is what made me truly start to wake up.

Immediately snapping my eyes open, I see a face similar to my own wolf's face, nudging my side, as if inspecting me and where I came from. I quickly stand up in alarm, and am met with a huge group of wolves, all surrounding me.

Who are you? One bigger than the others speaks to me in a series of barks. It doesn't surprise me, this has happened with every wolf I've ever met.

Can't you tell just by my scent? I growl back, looking over at him. I see him physically sniff me, and at last pulls back and slightly tilts his head down, as due the rest.

The daughter of Lupa. I nod my wolf's head. The door from the cabin swings open, and all the hunters are walking out, most likely for breakfast. Thalia is at the front, and once she sees me, she immediately takes out a bow and some arrows, pulling one back and making it face toward me.

"There's a stray wolf in front of the cabin!" She yells out, and lets go of the arrow, causing it to fly toward me. I immediately dodge it, moving slightly to the side, the weapon missing me by a mere few inches.

Suddenly, the big wolf jumps in front of me, guarding me. I feel loved for a moment, as Thalia has a look of surprise. Before I get either of us shot, I move a bit farther and go back to my human state.

"Thalia! It's just me." I say, my hands out to the side to show I mean no harm. After a while, she begrudgingly puts it away. I pat the wolf's head affectionately, giving him a mental thank you.

Artemis finally comes out if the cabin. Honestly, why is she always the last one to be there? She takes a quick look at the situation, but doesn't do anything.  Instead, she walks in front of all of us, and we end up following her, including me.

Once we make it to the pavilion for breakfast, I run toward the food, grabbing everything in sight. I go and sacrifice some to Lupa, the smell of fresh moose meat and river flowers erupting all over in front of me, bringing back the happiest memories I've got from living in the forest.

At the table, all the girls have gotten food. While in the middle of eating, Artemis makes an announcement.

"Everyone eat up quickly, after breakfast we will be playing capture the flag, with Asimi on our team."

What is capture the flag?

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