Chapter 4

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Asimi's POV

The trip started off awkward. He showed me around, starting with the training area, which held a giant hellhound. It took me a while to understand why they would have Ms. O'Leary, which I learned was her name. After that we went to the lava wall, which seemed reasonable enough. Once in awhile Connor would shoot glances at me, which I pretended not to notice. Sometimes I bump into him, which results in small shocks shooting through the touched, though they were pleasant shocks. I could tell he noticed them too, because after every shock, he would stiffen. He doesn't talk to me about anything personal until we finish the tour.

"So... why did you grow fangs and claws all of a sudden? And why did your eyes glow? And why do I feel good shocks everytime we touch? And why do you growl a lot? And how did you take down a drakon just by biting it in the neck and clawing it in the eyes? And why did it leave only a tooth? And why did you faint after?" He says altogether, trying to catch his breath.

"Do I have to answer all your questions?" I say, groaning. He looks at me and hesitates, not knowing if it will lead to me cutting his throat out.

"...yes." He says, now seeming sure. I sigh.

"Well, you'll probably find out why I grew fangs and claws and glowed my eyes and growl at the campfire. I think something about claiming? I don't know why we feel shocks, I killed the drakon easily because of my strong teeth and claws, It left a tooth because it was a specific drakon, and I fainted because... the tooth was poisonous." I finish, purposely leaving out the part that I am part drakon now. He looks at me or a second before the horn sounds, indicating dinner.

"Come on, it's time for dinner. You will be sitting with us for now, until your parent claims you. Then I got to go plan pranks with Travis and Leo." Connor says, a glint in his eyes when he mentions pranks.

"O-kay." I follow him to the dining hall, which he showed me during the trip. He leads me to a table, which is almost filled to the brim with people. Connor makes space for me to sit by him, so I comply and sit down. Plates and cups are brought, empty. Connor sees my confusion and answers my unspoken question.

"Just think what you want to eat and drink and it will appear." I look at the plate, trying to figure out what I want. I close my eyes. I think of raw antelope meat fresh from a hunt, and for a drink I think of stream water. I open my eyes and am met with exactly what I thought of. The antelope meat is stacked up high, the stream water filling the cup. I pick up a slab of meat and place it in my mouth, enjoying the sensation. I close my eyes. Swallowing it, I open my eyes again and look over at Connor, who was already staring at me, looking down at the raw meat, then back at me. I smile slightly, showing my fangs.

"You know, most people get cooked steak and soda, not raw meat and water." He states, not taking his eyes off me. I shrug.

"You'll find out why soon enough." I say, picking up another slab of meat and put it in my mouth, swallowing it whole. I see people standing up and going to a fire, putting some of their food in it.

"Come on," Connor waves me to follow him, going in the line. "These are sacrifices for the gods. You put part of your meal in it and think of who to send it to." we stand in line until Connor is next. He places some of his chicken and potatoes in it, closing his eyes. When he steps away from the fire, I go closer. I grab a few slabs and place it in. I close my eyes.

"Whoever my parent is, because I have no idea who you are. Are there any wolf gods or goddesses anyways?" I think. I smell the aroma of roses. I go back to my seat and join Connor.

"Everybody, I would like to make an announcement, today joining us is Asimi Fengari. Yes, she is the one that fought the drakon. Please make her feel welcome." Chiron says. Everyone's gaze goes on me. I lightly growl at them, but only loud enough for Connor to hear. He gives me a sympathetic look.

After everybody finishes their food, I follow Connor to the campfire that he leads me to. I sit in one of the logs closer to the fire, along with the rest of the Hermes kids. We, or everyone but me, start singing. I just sit there, glaring at the fire in front of us. Connor tries to make a conversation with me, but I just ignore him, still focusing on the fire.

Suddenly, everyone stops singing. I look up to see what is wrong, and notice everyone is staring at me, or more precisely, over my head. I look up to see a hologram of a wolf howling at the moon. I stare in wonder. It slowly fades away. I look down to see I am wearing a silvery-gray dress. I feel a sudden sting on my arm and look at it. It has a tattoo engraved into it, the same picture that was in the hologram. My hair is a bit longer, now going to my mid-waist. Sandals appeared on my bare feet. Chiron shakily beckons for me to stand up, which I do. He speaks up.

"A-all ha-hail Asimi Fengari, Silver Moon, d-daughter of Lupa, mother of R-rome, goddess of wolves." He says, trembling through every word. Everything falls silent, except for the sound of the black fire flickering in the camp, and the sound of thunder rumbling above.

"What shit did I just get into?"

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