Chapter 5

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Conner's POV

When Asimi first came to camp, it was under dangerous circumstances. I was planning a prank with Travis and Leo, when we heard a roar and sped out of the Hermes cabin along with the rest of the camp towards, not surprisingly, the Camp HalfBlood hill.

When we arrived, already holding weapons , we saw a beautiful redheaded girl standing in front of a satyr and a girl, protecting them from a weird looking drakon. A unfamiliar chill went through me as I gazed at her. Even though we were far away, I could still see a glint of her misty silver eyes.

I saw her walk towards the drakon, each step making it growl more. Me, along with everyone else, just stood there, staring. I didn't fail to notice how her clothes was entirely covered with blood. She stood in front of it, not moving anywhere, just staring. It swung at her but she quickly dodged it. It spat acid at her, which she also dodged.

The girl looked bored out of her mind while the drakon seemed confused, but then it spit acid at her once again. Instead of dodging it like last time, she grew out her nails and blocked her body- WAIT WHAT!!! She then ferociously growled and jumped at it, biting at it's neck and clawing at it's eyes, killing it. I was extremely confused at this point.

Long story short, she ate the tooth that it left behind, even though it shouldn't be possible, and fainted. Some demigods, counting me, carried her to the big house, and then the infirmary.

And that leads us to now. All week everyone was gossiping about her. Me and Travis set up new traps around the cabin for the unlucky demigod to get pranked, including a water bucket above the door. Classic.

We were just standing in the cabin when the door creaked open and a splash was heard. We couldn't stop the smiles that appeared on our faces, until we saw it was her. Fear covered our faces from what she might do, so it didn't help when she took the bucket off her head and and shook her head , shooting us the most scariest glare in existence. It was even scarier than Annabeth's, Percy's, and Nico's combined, and those three had the scariest.

She intensified the glare, making it worse. Her eyes glowed a bright silver, beautiful, but deadly looking. Fangs shot out of her mouth, but before she killed us (and it looked like she was going to), the door creaked open and Will came in. He didn't see her face, so when she turned around it was back to normal. They had a quick conversation, and it scared me once again when he said for me to show her around.

When she got claimed by Lupa, everything started to make sense, except for the shocks I would have every time I touched her, not to forget the connection I felt with her, which I didn't understand. The thing that got me the most was the fact that, wasn't Lupa supposed to NEVER have kids?

Asimi's POV

After I got claimed and everyone finally left, Chiron tells me to follow him. I comply, walking behind him. I think everything over.

"So, I am a child of Lupa, the wolf goddess. Makes sense. Kind of. Who would she love enough to have me? Are they going to try to kill me?" I growl at the thought. "No. They can't kill me."

We finally make it to the big house. Instead of sitting outside like last time, he leads me inside. He sits me on a nearby chair, then switches to his wheelchair form. The room gives off a pleasant warmth, making me feel safe inside Chiron's hands, or hooves. The look on his face changes my mind.

"I wanted to inform you about what will happen beforehand." He starts off. I nod.

"Okay." I say, uncertain. There is a moment of silence, as if he is contemplating about how he should tell me without causing me to run off.

After a few seconds, he finally says, "Zeus would like to see you."

Every emotion possible goes through me all at once.

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