Chapter 6

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Asimi's POV

Like how any sane person would do, I freak out. Of course, I don't show it, because then Chiron would probably have to stop a maniac, which is me, from destroying his entire house. I do let a shocked look appear on my face though. I think it over.

"What do I have to lose?" The positive part of my mind says. "My life." The logical part says.

"Um. Sure?" I say, more of a question than a statement. He looks relieved that I'm not fighting back with my newly found powers.

"Okay, they will make us appear there any moment now. We just have to-" His words get cut off by a blinding flash of light. I shut my eyes, trying to make it burn less, but to no avail. It suddenly leaves. I slowly open my eyes and look around to see I am in some type of giant room. I look ahead of me and see giant people on giant chairs. It is organized so that two chairs sit in the front, one holding a man with black hair and electric blue eyes.

"I'm guessing that is Zeus." I think.

The other front chair is occupied by an elegant looking woman with brown hair and brown eyes. She glares at me with distaste.

All the other chairs are occupied too, which I supposed were the other gods, seeming as they all were over 8 feet.

"Asimi Fengari." Zeus's voice boomed out.

"I am well aware of my name, Lord Zeus," I say, adding a little sass. "Now what did you call me here for?"

He glares at me. "Well, your parentage, of course," He replies, taking a look around the room. "Now where is that lying wolf goddess?"

"I will send her in immediately." Hermes, I'm guessing, says. He flicks his hand, and a spark comes out. In an instant, a zap sounds, and a woman appears before the gods. She looks similar to me, at the height of 8 feet with chocolate red hair and silver eyes. She has a scowl on her face.

"Why did you call me?" She questions harshly, even though I know she understands why.

"About your daughter, of course. You did claim her. Look behind you!" Zeus tells her, not calmly, may I add. She does, indeed, look behind her, and when she sees me, worry and relief crosses her faces. After a moment, she speaks.

"Hello Asimi, how are you?" She speaks calmly. I shrug.

"I don't see myself dead yet, so fine I guess." I reply. She nods, clearly glad I didn't go all, "WHERE WERE YOU MY WHOLE LIFE!?!" like a dramatic teen on her. Zeus speaks up again, furious.

"Why did you break your vow? You vowed to be a maiden forever! I could bring you extreme pain right now for such thing! She shouldn't be alive, and neither should you!" I growl loudly.

"Now Zeus, you shouldn't talk to her this way. Threatening? I thought you were better than that." I say dangerously calm, still growling slightly.

"You have no right to speak! Why are you defending her anyways? She left you to die!" Regret is seen on Lupa's face. She looks at me pleadingly, as if hoping I didn't blame her. I shrug again.

"If she wanted to kill me, she would've. Though, it's not my place to tell of her plans." I say, reasoning. Zeus seems even more furious.

"You shouldn't have been born! All in favor of killing Asimi, raise your hand!" He booms out. Five hands shoot up, owned by Ares, Dionysus, who I just noticed was the chubby guy from camp, Zeus, Hera and Artemis. It makes sense though, seeing as they were either harsh or didn't like it that my mother broke her vow.

Zeus, being the unfair man he is, bellows out, "I am the king, I choose! Asimi, you are now sentenced to death!" He raises his lightning bolt and throws it at me. I don't have time to react before it flies at me. My instincts take over me, as I reach out and pluck the bolt, midair. I hold it in my hands, processing what happened, before I bring it closer to my body, holding it against me in a protecting manner.

All the gods, including Chiron (who i forgot was even here), stare at me in shock, except for Lupa, who seems more worried than shocked.

"How did you do that?" Zeus speaks up, utter disbelief laced in his words.

"My reflexes?" I ask, more to myself than them. Zeus turns to Lupa, or mom, looking at her for answers. She sighs.

"I think it has to do with the combination of my powers and her father's powers." Lupa speaks up, clearly hoping he doesn't ask anymore questions.

"Who is the father?" Zeus says, contrary to Lupa's unspoken hope. I too stand there, wondering the same thing. Lupa glances at me, before sighing. She finally answers.


Silence fills the room.

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