6: It started with a cold day

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So hey guys....I read Chris work like you guys and it was sinful of me to read but what the heck life is short....he also took the liberty to write his a/n oh well at least you guys like it.....this time is cold.





Its getting really cold at Paris and you were alone due to your (parents'/guardian)'s business trip and they will be back next week. School was done for the winter so you have nothing to do but hang around and stuff. You took your (f/c) fur jacket, your (f/c) and (f/c) stripe scarf and grabbed your (black/brown) leather boots. You went out to take a small walk out in your neighborhood, it was cold and dark all the snow clouds block the bright sky. The streets were empty, no soul can be found until you spotted a tomato color haired boy laying unconscious in a cold hard floor. You picked up your pace and head towards the boy, Nathanael. He was one of your classmate, he is often seen at the back of the classroom alone just sketching and stuff. You can not deny it that he really caught your interest not just because he was cute and all but your share the same passion,art. You pick up his head and gently put on your lap, he was cold; his skin was pale and his body is trembling. You tried to look around to find some help but you remembered that there no one there to hear. 

At your house

You made him rest at your bear fur carpet near the fire place to keep warm. You went to the kitchen then went back to him bring a hot cocoa and a blanket. "(y-y/n), is that you?", his  eyes opened slowly after blinking a couple of times he saw you clearly. You help him sit as he lay back at the coach. ( guys his still on the floor...his not on the coach laying back). You handed him the hot beverage and he gave you a small "thank you". He drunk the whole thing before he gave you back the mug. Your were about to stand up but you were immediately pulled back into a tight embrace. Your head laid at his chest, you felt your cheeks heat. His grip tighten that makes it hard for you to escape his embrace. "Could we please stay like this for a while", You heard him whisper to your ear that just made you even more redder in the face as your heart speed up it beating pace. You returned the hug to him and you felt him flinch a little but soon relaxed and hug you tightly. You stayed in that position for a while until you felt his hand cupped your cheeks. You were startled 'cause of the sudden action he did but the more you stare at his ocean blue eyes you suddenly closed your eyes. He leans to you as he saw your eyes close give his a sign to continue. You felt his soft warm lips touched yours. He tilt his head to the side to deepen the kiss, you gladly opened your mouth for him and you felt him smirk between his kisses. You felt your body heat raise as your kiss continue. You and him parted to get some air resting you foreheads against each other. Soon after you both felt asleep while holding each other close to warm from the cold weather.









Sorry you guys if it took so long for me to update...I was have a writers block and my confidence for continuing this one shots are low. Chris offered to help time to time, sorry that this is short......I want to thank you guys who liked chapters....you could give me ideas to put here just comment them.



thanks for reading.....please read, comment and vote and I wish to see you guys again next chapter 

Je t'aime >_<

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