11: Fell so hard (2)

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I woke up in my room. "Ah what happened?", I look up to see my clock and its already 8 a.m in the morning. "what day is it?", I faced the my monitor and it said Saturday..."alright good for me", I change my clothes and went down stairs. I was heading towards the kitchen and I saw.....Marinette?

"ah Mari what ya-----", as soon as I spoke she turn around and I saw....MOM?!?!, her hair was like Mari's, dark blue and its tied into two pony tail "AHHHH mom why?...wha-what did you do to your hair!!"

"Oh my dear!!!! who are you?!", My mom that looks like Mari screamed.

"What?! what do you mean I'm you daughter?!",

"Your not my daughter, My daughter is Marinette!!, now out OUT!!", she turn me around and pushed me out of the house. I even trip on my feet and landed on my behind.

"What the heck is happening?!?!", I was so confused what the heck is happening right now. As soon I already got on my feet I saw everyone look like.....Marinette??!?!, 

"What the hell is happening?!?!", I was looking at my surroundings and saw people look like Mari. Some got her hair style some just her clothing design (Marinette's everyday clothes). Whats going on??. Suddenly a hand grab my shoulder "Miss you are under arrest", the police man said as the hand on my shoulder tighten its grip. 

"Wha--what????!!!", I wiggled my body and as soon he let go I ran as fast as I can.


The hell happened here...as I was catching my breathe someone called my name.  

"Nathanael!!", I saw him heading my way and God I'm so thankful he is not one of them looking like Mari. As soon he was closer I pounce at him hugging him tightly. "Oh Nath so glad your not like them", I was so happy until....

"What the hell (y/n)!!!, don't hug me, I don't want my lady hate me seeing me another girl", He looked at me with a glare. "You are have no right to hug me or even touch me peasant",

"Peasant!!!??", as I heard him say I shot him with glares as well cause' how dare he call me peasant....how....how dare he. 

"only the beautiful, cute, Marinette could touch me or even worthy to be mine than you", he said

"Nathanael stop, or going to far....", I tried holding up my tears from bursting out of my eyes. I was literally biting my lower lip to hold back.

"don't tell me stop (y/n), you just don't understand how prefect Marinette is", he said. "Marinette is amazing, cool, cute, beautiful, creative, strong...everything about her is awesome....", He said gesturing to the sky in awe like Marinette was the beautiful angel his pointing on the sky. "....Not like you", he continued looking at me with disgust.

"Nathanael....just stop", I couldn't hold back anymore at tears rushed out of my eyes.

"you will never be as great as Marinette, your pathetic..I can't even look at you cause your worthless!!", How could he say that.....I was just left broken standing there listening to everything he have to say. "your nothing like her, she is more than you'll ever be....and I....."

".....I will never love someone like you"


"HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT!!!", I slap him across his face leaving him a bit red mark on his right cheek. I was so angry and heart broken because of him....how dare he say that...how dare he.....from every thing I came to love had hated me.....why they like this to me.



"y/n wake up",

I heard a voice and woke up from slumber. As I open my eyes I saw him, looking at me with his smile...oh how much I wish that I didn't open my eyes.

"are you alright....(y/n), he look at me with concern but  it didn't care to me.

"Yeah I'm alright, Nathanael.......anyway where am I",

"your in my room" he said.

part (3) tomorrow

See yeah guys

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