13: am I enough

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A/N: sorry for the long wait.

Your POV

Everything was great with you and Nathanael. You guys has been together for months now, 7 months in fact. You both work in your own store, Art and Flower shop - it sell  both decorative flowers and amazing painting your boyfriend made.

It was 7 months ago that both of you are still studying in college. You and the gang all studied in the same college and same course. You had a crush before and it was a blonde model, Adrien Agreste. You and him before were really close friends.

There was a party held in the Agreste mansion for the celebration for the gang's success. Mr. Gabriel was generous enough to sponsors the celebration.

You were happy all wearing your handmade (F/c) dress. You went with Nathanael as your escort and Alya with Nino then Adrien with Marinette. You were a bit jealous that Adrien is with Marinette but she is your best friend and all so you need to take all in the jelly feeling. Everyone was clapping after Mr. Agreste announcement about you guys successfully graduated with flying colors. After that there was celebratory dance. Everything was perfect and fun for all of us until.......

Adrien took the microphone and announced something that I didn't expect. 

"Guys I want you all to know Marinette, my GIRLFRIEND", he said. Everyone applause for the happy couple. "And I want to thank (y/n) for being a supportive FRIEND". There just right there you felt your heart split in two but you forced yourself not to show it. You gave thumbs up for Adrien and Marinette but deep inside you were badly hurt, so much. 

The night ended and Nathanael took you home. It was quite during the ride but Nathanael broke the silence and asked. "Are you alright (y/n)?", he asked with concern in his voice. 

"Hey I'm fine, why you ask?", you gave him you best smile to hide your pain. 

He stopped the car and parked the side. It got you both alarmed and confuse, he look at you and by the way he looked at you, you know what he mean by that. "Spill it (Y/n)", that's all he said until you broke down to tears. He looked surprise cause of your sudden reaction. He bit his lower lip as sign of guilt that he wished he didn't asked. He reached for you as he rapped him arms around your trembling body. You cried like a baby on his chest as he rubbed small circled on your back to calm you down. 

You told him what you felt and why you were crying he understood everything but from everything you have said you didn't realize you were hurting him as well. 

Nathanael was in love with you but you were so dense you didn't realize. He was over Marinette ever since you came to comfort him when Marinette dumped him. He was always by your side ever since that day, whenever you need some help he always the first one to lend you a hand, he will always be there if you need a shoulder to cry on. But today it really hurt him to know that you love some else but you didn't tell him that and the fact that you are crying n his arms not knowing what to do.

He inhaled deeply and build up the courage he need to his next actions. He reached for your chin and pulled it to face you to him. He had a serious look on him that made you blink countless of times. His gazed soften as he kissed your forehead and spoke....

"(y/n) I don't know if this the right tome telling you this but I just felt that its time tell you...", Your heart was beating so fast like is gonna jump out of you any second. He took all of the hair covering your pale cheeks and pinning it behind your ear as he cupped your cheeks with both of his hand as he continued. 

"You were my new light, my new strength and my best friend that I could never had.......but (y/n) I had fallen deep in love with you from every passing moment in our past times together. You made me feel and experience things that drives me nuts", You look at him like your telling him that you didn't realize his feeling for you. "You were always in my mind, thoughts, and whenever I draw. I always wanted to draw the scenery that I see but whenever I see my work I always paint your beautiful face, whenever I right poems to something else I always somehow write it all about your wonderful being. You were always in my dreams giving the sense that I always have you by my side that it becomes a nightmare if you leave me. And here I am telling you all of this because I--I love  you",  he ended his confession with every word he just said send chills to your spine. You felt so stupid to look for others love if he was just right there beside you. You felt guilt that in your perspective you felt you lead him on for nothing but now you heard his confession you heart began you find his warm and being. 

You were lost at thought as he wiped your tears away. You felt his hand graze you skin gently as you quickly hugged him tight. You didn't want to let go of him not right now that you need him so badly. You knew to move on with Adrien and be with Nathanael. He was startled a bit fro your sudden action but soon hugged you back, tight. After minutes being in that position you both broke free and gaze each other's eyes then you both lead in and kissed each other passionately. 


"did you got it, Alya", Nino asked with a smirk.

"Yeah I got it both in picture and video", Alya said with a mischievous smile.

(before this happened, this happened)

when you and Nathanael left the party first Alya felt something is going to happen so she took Nino and the rest of the gang to follow you guys. You and him went inside the Nathanael's car and drove off and the gang used Adrien's family van to follow you guys. When they finally caught up with you they parked right beside you good thing no one was using that route so no cars are coming that way. Alya tried calling Nathanael's phone but no one was answering. Nathanael's phone was on silent but still visible to see if some one is calling. Nathanael's phone auto answered after 5 times of Alya's calling. Alya and the rest was all watching what is happening inside Nathanael's car. 

"------love you..", they heard Nathanael spoke from the other line. Nino at the driver seat has his mouth open and Adrien who is somehow brought a champagne inside the car drinking one suddenly spitted it on Nino's head then Marinnette and Alya was there squealing like a couple of fangirls. And when they both saw you both kissed......all hell broke out. Adrien and Nino tried to cover both of there girlfriend's mouth before they blow there cover cause come one its really obvious they can be seen through you guy's car. 


"what was that", you said curious. Nathanael faced you back to him with a seductive look "Don't ruin the moment (y/n)", is all he said as you both kissed again....

end of flashback....

hey guys sorry if it took so long for me to update and sorry I haven't updated the other two chapters of this....I will soon just wait a moment ok.....I was super busy this week like i'm gonna die from over work. Then I saw chris author's note and I wish the girl answer him or whatever

anyway wait for part 2 .......see yah guys........and please for give me.

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