Punk Nathanael x BULLIED!!Reader

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And here i though i wouldn't post something here again hahaha

Ok here imagine that Nathanael as a punk...he aint sweet nor respectful(especially to you) its a bit ooc but yeah...i need to let this out my brain

You were walking to your new found school. You where from (something far) and just transfered here in Paris. You wanted to escape your past life of being bullied, and hoping to start a better life here.

You opened the doors to your new classroom and you were greeted by a seeet girl with bluebell eyes "hi, you must be new?" She asked. You happily replied and told her your name. The girl beside her introduce herself too, her name was Alya, a very positive person and the girl greeted you did the same thing and her name was Marinette, a shy girl. You were happy to meet new friends and you were hoping to find even more.

The chairs was in pairs, bad news you can't sit were Marinette and Alya, good news there was spare up stairs. While you were headed there Marinette warned you about your seatmate. You were confused but still took her word. When you reached your sit you notice your seatmate wasn't there yet, you thought he might be just late for morning class.

You pulled out your sketch pad and pencil and started to draw to pass the time. Classes hasn't started yet because its still kinda early. You notice writings on your seatmate's desk and from the look of it you though that he might been through alot of hurt. You felt bad about your seatmate and you planned on talking to him/her to help cheer him/her up.

The bell rang and your searmate still wasn't there until the door opened wide with a loud bang. Everyone was startled, the teacher scolded the young man and ordered him to go to the principle's office. There you knew he was your seatmate. Doomed.

First class ended and you still haven't left your sight out of your seatmate...he dressed like a punk. His hair was tied into a ponytail as some of his tomato colored hair blocked his left eye, he got piercings on his ear and he wore a black hoodie without sleeves. A little while longer he caught you staring at him and he gave you glare. You averted your gaze and packed your bag to leave.

You were down on your last item before you run, until he grabe your hand tightly. You looked at him scared, your hands begining to shake and you voice wouldn't come out because of your fear.

He then spoke, his voice was intimidating although it was kinda sexy to hear but because of what he said made you bring back to reality. "You have no right to stare at me, do that again...i'll reck you". After he said his treats he lets go of you and left the room himself. You just stood there still processing what just happened.

The next day you went to your locker but a horrible sight came to view. You saw your locker burst open and all of your things are torned to pieces. At first you thought it was Chloe and Sabrina but you remembered they're on a trip out of the country so it can't be...so the only clue that it can be is the tomato haired punk.

First class of the day ended and its time for recess. You headed to the food court to get some food along with your 2 new friends. You talked all about the heroes of Paris, Ladybug and Chat Noir. You all were having a good time until something really cold was poured on your head, making your clothes wet and sticky. You looked up and saw it was "Tomatohead" and he was grinning at you. You felt pissed and about to attack but Marinette stopped you until things got worse.

Another 2 subjects are done now is lunch time. You and your new friend plus Adrien and Nino who became your friends earlier came and wanted to join your group. You were just laughing and playing jokes at one another until something sticky was trown behind you. You tried reaching it, as it made contact with you hands anger consumed you. It was sticky, gross and can't be pulled out unless you cut it...yes you guess it right, it was bubblegum. You took out a pair of scissors and cut the nasty thing off and you furiously throw it in the trash can.

You look at the shithead that caused your anger and approached him. Marinette and Alya tried to stop you but you were stopped first by Nino. "Hey, what your problem?" Adrien said in anger "nothing, I just find it cute when I tease her", he aswered playfully as he grinned and looked at you. "You like it princess" he said. You look him like your ready to kill, your hands clenched tight ready to punch his sorry face. "Back off, Nathanael before I kick your ass" Alya threaten. Nathanael just smirked and walked away....

To be continue

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