Chapter 2

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Even though I said that I had never looked into his eyes I suppose I forgot just how deep they really were. I haven't looked into his eyes that closely in years. He has jet black hair that is perfectly straight and a little longer than most boys wear today. He's wearing a tight blue shirt and blue jeans with some black boots on. He is muscular but not bulky in a way that may make you think he lives in the gym. He's around 6 feet tall so compared to my measly 5 foot 2 inch self he's super tall. He's a Senior, in the popular group, known as the "bad boy/play boy".

Our parents used to be friends so we were around each other all the time when we were little. Actually until 6th or 7th grade we were almost inseparable. If we were in the same vicinity of each other it was automatically thought that we were together. We used to all hangout with some of the same people but he started hanging out with these guys who were getting into a bit more trouble. I honestly don't really know why he disappeared out of my life but he's been gone for awhile now. It hurts a bit but I've had a lot of time to get over it and let go more. I'm broken out of my thoughts by his voice.

"Like what you see Liz?" I snap my eyes back to his face. He has a cocky smirk on his face and amusement sparkling in his eyes. Rolling my eyes I hold in my gag.

"1, don't call me Liz, only people I like get to call me that. 2, no I don't. 3, what are you doing in a junior class since you're a senior? Last but not least 4, get the hell out of my way so I can go inside. I'm already late enough." I all but growl my words at him. I cannot believe he caught me checking him out. Ugh just what I need. The school douche bag thinking that I have a thing for him on the first day back.

He grabs his chest gasping feigning hurt, "You don't like me?!"

I roll my eyes and put the hand not holding the notebook on my hip. Tilting my head slightly to the side I give him an incredulous look. "Seriously Chris, that"s all you got out of what I said?"

He drops his hand and crosses his empty arms over his chest. "Fine LIZ I will answer your questions, so just calm down. I'm in your class because I flunked this class last year and have to be a junior again so to speak. Also, I'll get out of your way when you can move me. We both know you were in fact checking me out though." He says this emphasizing my name making me grind my teeth.

"I was not checking you out douche bag." I growl balling my hand into a fist.

"Is that all you got out of what I said?" He asks sarcastically.

Ok, I cannot stand here any longer. "Move or be moved Chris, I'm serious."

I know I can move him because I have an older brother, Matt, that is 6" 0" and weighs like 250. I know how to protect myself and I know how to knock a guy down. Matt"s almost 5 years older than me and I love him but I feel a little abandoned because he moved out when he got his girlfriend, now wife, knocked up after high school. I hate that he left but he pretty much raised me since mom and dad worked so much. Plus I love my nephew, he's so awesome. I'm broken out of my thoughts, AGAIN. Damn I need to stop zoning out so much.

"Do it if you think you can Shorty." He states.

I give him no warning I lunge forward aiming at his mid-section knocking us both into the class. I am sprawled across him my hair everywhere as well as all of my stuff. I lift my head and our eyes meet. God, I have always loved his eyes.

Our gaze is broken when I hear a cough and I look up to see Mr. Stephens our History teacher. He is a big burly man in his 50"s and even though I hate the subject I really enjoy his class. He lets me get away with a lot because he knows how much I hate school. He's pretty awesome to everyone though.

Daddy's Cowgirl (Completed) *NEEDS TO BE EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now