Chapter 31

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As I look around the room I still cannot believe what I'm seeing is real. All of the football guys are still here spread out in different places as well as my other friends. One one of the walls there is a massive 'Get Well Soon' poster board type thing with what looks like signatures and comments. Every surface in the room is covered with vases of flowers, candy or stuffed animals.

'Liz Angel are you ok?' Chris asks from my side where he still has yet to move.

'Holy freaking crap! Where in the poo did all of this stuff come from?!?' I ask finally snapping out of my shocked state making the room fill with laughter.

 'Seriously Angel?' Chris asks but I just wave his question away.

'Shut up, I'm dead serious right now. Where did all this stuff come from?'

'Well the football team wanted to do something nice so me and a couple of the guys went to get you a 'Get Well Soon' card. When we were taking it around to the guys some of their girlfriends wanted to sign them as well. After half the team got done we realized we were going to need something a lot bigger than that.' Erik says chuckling.

'I'm not trying to get you guys to throw me a pity party but why does anyone care? Me and my friends aren't popular or anything. We get hasselled a lot or well we have in the past, not a lot has happened this year shockingly.' I say seriously.

'Well Liz a lot of people were kind of just following Emily around and believing what she was saying but when you had that fight with her. Well, to be bluntly honest the things she said were really fucked up and everyone kind of cut her off. When you left a lot of people freaked out on her and started calling her names. It was pretty insane and looked like something off of a teen movie.' Big Vince says chuckling a little.

'Well that sucks for her, I hope she's ok.' I say honestly.

'What the hell do you mean "you hope she's ok"? She's a bitch and we all know it so why on god's green earth would you hope she was ok? She got what she deserved for being a spiteful thing in almost everyone's opinion.' Erik says looking at me like I was crazy. I frown at him and open my mouth but Chris cuts me off.

'She is wondering if she's ok because Liz Angel doesn't believe in doing hateful things like that. Plus she knows how it felt to be picked on so she hates it.' Chris said proudly while looking down into my eyes making me smile widely at him.

'You know me so well babe.' I say before leaning up and giving him a quick kiss.

'Alright enough of this mushy crap.' Erik says earning a smack in the back of his head from Big Vince.

'Shut up and leave them alone.'

'Thanks Vince.' I say sweetly making Big Vince blush lightly.

'Nawww look at the big man blush.' Mikey said jokingly causing all the guys to start cutting up and laughing at Vince.

'HEY!' I holler getting everyone's attention. 'Don't start picking on him for blushing, REAL men blush and aren't ashamed of it. If I hear one more word about it I'm going to get out of this hospital bed and kick all of your asses.' I say glowering at them all.

'Yeah and if she has to get out of this bed earlier than she should because you all pissed her off I'm going to kick your asses.' Chris say seriously while pulling me closer to him.

'I feel like I just scolded by my parents.' Erik mumbles with his head down making me and Chris look at each other and bust out laughing.

'Alright so she needs food and while their gone getting the food do you want to read the poster board?' Chris asks me sweetly.

Daddy's Cowgirl (Completed) *NEEDS TO BE EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now