Chapter 33

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He should be here within the hour and I am beyond nervous. The only thing that is keeping my nerves semi calm is the fact that Chris has kept me in his arms the entire time since the Doctor walked out of the room. I still have yet to tell him what the Doctor did but I'm really scared what his reaction is going to be. I know how protective he is of me. I raise my face from his chest and look at him talking about something to one of the guys in here. His eyes are lite up in amusement and he's smiling widely. His hair is messy but still sexy as all get out. I can't wait to tell him I love him.

'What are you looking at Angel?' Chris asks looking down at me.

'You.' I say sweetly smiling up at him.

'Are still high or are you just being sweet?' He asks jokingly making me elbow him in the side and cross my arms pouting.

'Shut up. I don't know why I was thinking sweet things about you. Maybe I should get a new boyfriend.' I say with mock seriousness.

'Don't even joke about that Angel; I don't know what I would do without you.' Chris says sweetly as he caresses my cheek.

'You would be miserable.' I say jokingly but in my mind all I can think is that he would be drama free and happy. I love him so if I love him this much I should let him go. I don't know if I can actually let him go but I know that I should definitely try.

'Don't you even think about it Angel.' Chris's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

'Think about what?' I ask.

'I know that look on your face and right now you're thinking that you aren't good enough for me or some kind of garbage like that. You mean so much to me and I know I couldn't live without you.'

'Are you a mind reader?' I ask once I pick my jaw up off of the floor.

'Don't change the subject.' He says half jokingly.

'Well wouldn't you rather not to have to deal with all the drama you have dealt with?' I ask seriously.

'Angel, I don't enjoy seeing you hurt but I am glad for everything we have been through. I know if we can make it through all of this then we can make it through anything. As long as we never let anyone pull us apart.' He says never taking his eyes, that are shining love and devotion, away from where they are locked onto mine.

'I couldn't agree with you more. I just felt bad that you've had to go through all of this. I'm used to it by now.' I reply.

'What all have you been through?' A voice asks from the front of my bed that has my blood frozen in my veins. I would recognize that voice anywhere. My eyes widen and fill with tears still locked onto Chris's eyes.

'Shit.' Chris mumbles.

'Yeah.' I reply before taking a couple of breaths and turning to look at my very large Uncle Joe. 'Hi.' I say wiping the tears from my eyes quickly.

'Don't "hi" me. What the hell is going on here? I was told you were in some sort of accident and you two are talking about how much you have gone through. I want to know what ya'll are talking about right now.' Uncle Joe says seriously. He's a very intimidating man but I can see how his eyes soften when they look at me. I would say that it's because I look like my mother and while I am sure that is part of it, he has always had a soft spot for me.

' happened was...erm...' I stammer before Matt cutting me off when he runs into the room.

'He's h...oh hi Uncle Joe. How was your flight?' He asks. Wow what a great lookout my brother is.

'Yeah, I'm here and by the way now I definitely know something is going on. You had your brother as a lookout and that never happens to me, your grandparents yes, but me never. Why in the holy hell do you have a lookout for me?' He asks getting more and more suspicious. See I told you he's good. It doesn't help that he's one of the best lawyers in the U.S. but he also knows us WAY too well.

Daddy's Cowgirl (Completed) *NEEDS TO BE EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now