Chapter 29

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I awoke with a start and immediately started looking around for Chris only to relax back into his chest when I realize he was true to his word and didn't leave me while I slept. I can't believe I was out for a week. I honestly just don't know what to do with myself but one thing is for sure right now. I need to know what in the hell has been going on since I have been asleep. I look around the room and smile widely when I see my brother and Mikey asleep on the couch together.

They are leaning away from each other but they just look so cute that I can't help but let a little chuckle out causing both of their eyes to snap open. They both stand up simultaneously but groan from the weird angle they slept in making me chuckle again. I quickly look up to see Chris still sleeping peacefully and sigh in relief. I can already see the color coming back into his face and the shadows are starting to vanish. Stupid boy. I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a soft hand caressing mine. I look up to see Matt holding my hand gently with tears in his eyes causing once again for mine to fill up.

'I'm fine.' I whisper glancing to make sure Chris is still sleeping.

'We thought we lost you which is actually true, we did lose you for a moment there. I love you so much and I'm so glad you're ok but you have to tell the police. They are waiting in the lobby to speak to you. You know you are the only one that can press charges against him.'

'I love you but I don't want to discuss that right now. What happened while I was unconscious and why does everyone keep glancing at Chris like he is made of glass?' I ignore his statement for now since I'm more concerned with Chris's health than the drama in my life.

'Always worried about others before yourself. You are never going to change are you?' Matt whispers grouchily.

'No now answer me.'

'Fine after everything happened he collapsed and lost his memory for a little while. When he got it back he turned into a damn zombie. He was lost without you, he wasn't eating very much, he wasn't sleeping. The only thing he did daily was shower and I think that was because he was worried if you woke up and smelt him without him showering for days you would puke in his face. He missed you like crazy and has the insane guilt for not getting you away from our father sooner when really that is all on me. As your older brother I should've done a better job protecting you instead of getting wrapped up in my family and life.' Matt says sadly causing me to frown sadly at him.

'Actually I think I am more to blame than you are Matt. I knew every time he hit her and there was nothing I ever tried after the first time. I knew how stubborn she is so I just didn't fight her and decided it was better if I at least knew what was happening than no one knowing anything. I'm an idiot and am more to blame than everyone.' Mikey says guiltily making me huff before speaking.

'Oh for the love of all that is holy. If you both are going to through yourselves a pity party then take it somewhere else because I sure as shit do not want to hear it. You are both right. I'm insanely stubborn and no amount of force is going to keep me from something that I want and we all know it. Let's get this little discussion over with now. I am not going to press charges on our father and before either of  you freak out shut up and let me finish.' I say waving my hand in the air efficiently cutting both of them off.

'I love dad and it really sucks everything he is going through but I almost died. My own father almost killed me and yes I still do blame myself for mom dying but it's in the past and I can't do anything to take it back. I will continue to help on the farm and such but I will be moving out. I'm not exactly sure where or when but I most definitely will NOT be staying with him any longer. When I blacked out all I could think about was Chris and it makes me feel a little sad that I wasn't thinking of Matt or dad but all I could think about was him. This beautiful boy that makes my heart flutter with excitement and makes me feel loved and alive. I couldn't ask for a better guy in my life right now. I'm not sure if we are forever but right now I'm in love and I couldn't be happier about it. It really hit me hard to think that we weren't even getting a real chance at us so I knew that if I woke up and got a second chance I would start living my own life.'

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