Chapter 22

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As soon as I’m inside my closet I grab a pair of semi-loose jeans, a black spaghetti strap shirt, my black boots, a change of undergarments, and socks. Once I have all of those things I head into the bathroom for a shower while completely ignoring the guys standing there. I turn on the hot water full blast before closing the glass door and start to slip off my underwear and bra.

The instant I step under the hot water I let out a low hiss but after a few moments I can feel my tensed muscles start to relax. I’m not sure how long I stand under the spray of the hot water but I finally grab the shampoo and start to take a shower.

When I finally step out of the shower all of the pale skin I have that has no bruises on it is a hot pink color but my body feels a lot better right now. I know I can thank the pills partly but the hot shower did me wonders. I walk over to the counter and stare down at my hair products. I really want to straighten my hair but I know that I will most likely cry the entire time from having to keep lifting up my arms.

I quickly put the curling hair foam into my hands and run it through my hair. Once I no longer have random white in my hair which makes me look the I have a bad case of lice I turn around and glare lightly at my clothes knowing that it’s going to really suck getting those damn things on. I continue to glare at them for a few more moments before gritting my teeth and determinedly heading towards them.

The entire time I’m putting the clothes on I am cursing quietly and loudly; out loud and mentally. However as I said earlier nothing is going to stop me at this point. The moment they are on I grab a hand towel and pour cold water on it before wiping the sweat off of my face from putting on my clothes. I lightly toss the hand towel away from me before turning to head out the room.

I walk straight up to Mikey and hold my hand out. He has a look of confusion on his face while I just stare at him with a blank face. After a moment realization dawns on him and his jaw drops for a moment before he snaps it back closed and starts grinding his teeth. I glare at him for a moment more before speaking.

‘You’re not going to win this battle and just for your information I’m not freaking asking. I’m telling you give it to me right this damn second before you make me do something drastic.’ I say will my hand is still out and I’m still glaring at him.

He curses under his breath before reaching behind him on the bed and picking it up and handing it to me. I send him a small smug smile before turning around and heading back into the bathroom. I quickly slip on the top over my spaghetti strap and pull my hair out of the back of it with only again a high amount of pain. I push through it though with determination and anticipation.

As quickly and best as I can I put in my curling gel; running it all through my hair and scrunching it a bit in places that were acting as if they had a choice in the whole to curl or not to curl plan. After rinsing the gel from my hands I pull out my makeup applying it as perfectly as possible.

The moment I’m finally done with my makeup I lean back and take a critical look at my face and hair. Since I took a while for my makeup my hair had time to dry into very pretty medium curls cascading down my back. My eye shadow was in different shades of greens to make my eyes pop, black eye liner with flecks of silver glitter, semi thick black mascara, and clear lip gloss.

I turn to the side a little so I can get a good look at the big number 12 in black and blue that’s now written on my cheek but sitting on the corner of the 2 is a red heart. I know it’s girly, corny and a little cheesy but I like it just how it is.

Before I head out of the bathroom I grab one of my bottles of pain pills. I head out of the bathroom refusing to look at any of the guys still standing in my room. I head straight towards the jackets and pick a black Carhartt jacket out slipping it on quickly before heading back out of the closet towards the front door.

Daddy's Cowgirl (Completed) *NEEDS TO BE EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now