Chapter 17

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‘Angel! Liz angel, come on.’ Chris says from his spot on the counter.

He’s holding his head in his hands begging me to speak to him but I won’t give in this easily. He is going to pay, I think while checking on my lasagna in the oven. I bend down peering into the oven with my rear in the air while peering into the oven. I wiggle a little only standing up when I hear a rewarding groan. Yep, he definitely looked up and saw my butt in front of him. Who’s laughing now ass face?

Standing back up I reach over for the oven mits and reach in to grab my lasagna. I sit it on the counter to cool and turn around only to come face to face with pleading blue puppy dog eyes. I almost falter in my resolve but quickly shake it off. I walk over to the sink and start doing all the dishes I have used to make my yummy lasagna.

We are the only ones in here because I chose lasagna as what I wanted to cook today and it takes longer than the class period. Since I have band next she let me stay in here to finish cooking and cleaning up. I have no clue how mister smooth talker behind me talked his way into staying but she let him.

Once I’m done with the dishes I look up at the clock to see only 15 minutes of band is left. Well there is no point in walking all the freaking way over there just to turn around and head to lunch. F that. Oh, well at least I’m not bored. I have Chris here to torture.

I keep my back to him and get on my tip toes and start stretching my arms above my head. After a moment of leaning a little to each side I turn around letting my right hand drop to where it’s on my neck and I let left arm completely fall to my side.

I bite my lip and look up through my lashes to see Chris’s eyes are getting extremely dark. I know that how my arm is it’s lifting my well endowed chest be even more pushed up not including what I’m wearing enhances my chest even more.

I let my right arm drop after a second and walk slowly and as seductively as possible towards Chris. When I reach him I tug lightly on his knees indicating I want him off the counter and to stand up. Once he’s off the counter I get on my tip toes and grab ahold of his shoulders with my hands to keep myself steady. He drops his head a little so I can reach him however I bypass his delectable lips for his ear.

I lean forward so my breasts are squished into his chest unnecessarily and bite him gently on his neck. I almost let a laugh loose when I hear a moan come rumbling out of his chest. I slowly kiss my way up his neck to his ear and once there I lick his ear lobe. He moans again and grabs ahold of my butt firmly with his strong hands pulling me fully against him where I feel his erection press into my lower stomach.

I bite my lip to keep the moan inside. No damn it, this is my payback. I bite his ear lobe only to make him moan louder and crush me even closer to him making me even hotter. I mentally shake my head to clear my thoughts and whisper huskily into his ear.

‘Paybacks a bitch isn’t it?’ As soon as I say the words I chuckle darkly when I feel him tense up against me.

I push his arms off me and step back only turning around where my back is facing him when I’m halfway across the room heading towards to girls bathroom. When I’m almost out of the classroom I text Nicole, Derek, Chase, and Kathy telling them that I made lasagna and they are welcome to come to Home-Ec to help me eat it.

Before I can open the first response I’m grabbed around the waist and tugged into a dark closet. I don’t even scream since I felt the electrical current coming from them. Chris.

He reaches up and flicks on the light in the room. I realize then that I’m not in a room per se but the damn janitor’s closet. It smells like cleaning supplies but luckily it’s actually pretty clean in here. Huh. I always thought it would be like dirty or gross like other people say. Weird.

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