Chapter 14

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I wake up and turn to look at the clock on my bedside table to see that my alarm hasn’t even went off yet. I would say I’m not sure why I am awake but that would be a lie. I’m both excited and nervous about seeing Chris today; I wonder how he is going to act at school.

I hop up and jog over to the shower. I quickly wash my hair and body before getting out and straightening my hair. I walk out of the bathroom to my closet to figure out what I’m going to wear for the day before settling on a pair of blue jeans, green lacy spaghetti strap shirt and black vest. I grab a set of underwear and matching bra quickly throwing it on.

Once I’m ready I throw on my boots and head over to put on some makeup. I decide on just black eye liner, mascara and some clear lip gloss. I look around for my book bag only to figure out after a 15 minute search that I left it in my truck since I didn’t have any homework over the weekend.

Before I head out of my room I grab my phone and my keys since I also left my wallet in my truck. Once, in the kitchen I grab everything I need for an omelet. I plug my phone into the set of speakers in the kitchen and turn on Adele.

I start cooking while humming to Set Fire to the Rain is blaring through my speakers. I love Adele; the beat, the lyrics, her voice, it’s an unbeatable combination.

Once the food is done I put the food on my plate and pour a class of Sunny Delight. I sit down and leisurely eat my food since I got up earlier than normal this morning. Half way through my phone dings letting me know I have a text message. I hop up and open the text only to start grinning like an idiot when I see it’s a text from Chris.

I waited as long as I could to text you since idk when you wake up in the morning’s. Anyway good morning Liz angel. Can’t wait to see you today. I missed you last night ;) xoxo –C

I quickly send my response after rolling my eyes, he missed me last night? Psh, he’s retarded we’ve seen each other every day for the last couple of days I figured he would probably get sick of me. However, I’m secretly squealing like a little kid on the inside because weirdly I miss him too already. Oh dear lord, please don’t let him hurt me because I’ve already fallen for him.

You’re a dork. You’ll see me in a little while and obviously I’m up otherwise I wouldn’t be texting you back. So, good morning back atcha boy. –L ps…..imy 2

Hell yeah! Oops did I say that out loud? Lol what are you doing right now? –C

Just finished making breakfast, I’m almost done eating now if  you would quit bothering me ;) –L

I’m wounded! Lol what did you make for breakfast? –C

Why do you need to know? –L

Because I’m nosey duh. –C

Yeah right! You’re just jealous of my mad cooking skills lmao. –L

True. ;) –C

Ham, cheese, onions, and tomato omlet. Yum. –L

Jealous. I ate cereal. –C

Maybe if you’re a good boy I’ll make  you breakfast some time. –L

I’m going to get spoiled if you start cooking me breakfast too. –C

Ok well I guess I’ll stop cooking for you then…. –L

NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! That is not what I meant and you know it!!! –C

Lol jk. Jk. Calm down. –L

That was not funny! I’ll have to punish you later for that. –C

Daddy's Cowgirl (Completed) *NEEDS TO BE EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now