Chapter 4

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Six weeks have gone by since that day and I still can’t get it out of my head. He has left me alone since that day like I asked but for some reason I can’t stop thinking about it.

‘Liiizzzzzz. Earth to Liz.’ I hear snapping out of my thoughts.

‘Sorry, I zoned out. What’s up?’ I ask looking around our lunch table.

‘You have been so out of it these past few weeks. Is everything ok?’ Derek asks looking worried.

‘Yeah it’s fine. What did I miss?’ I ask looking around our group to see everyone staring at me including the oh so annoying Katy. She doesn’t look interested in my answer considering she only glances at me while trying to pull Derek away from me. She only successfully annoys him which makes me smirk. We are all sitting in the bed of my truck hanging out in the parking lot waiting for school to start. It’s starting to get chilly so everyone is in hoodies, or considering me and Nicole our letterman jackets.

‘I asked if you were going to the game tonight.’ Nicole says looking at me curiously.

‘I’m not sure yet, I have to go home and check to see if dad needs me to do anything.’ I say. I glance over at Derek to see him frowning. I shrug it off and hop out of my truck bed. Everyone else follows me and we all say our goodbyes and head to our classes.

I walk into History and sit in my usual seat in the back. I pull my notebook containing my homework and History book out of my book bag. I pull my homework out of notebook and write my name and date at the top.

‘Hey Liz?’ My heads snaps around and instantly I grimace from the crick that I just put in my neck.

‘What?’ I ask reaching up to my neck rubbing it.

‘I’m sorry I was just going to ask if you have the last answer. I didn’t get to finish my homework I was so tired last night after football practice.’ Chris says sheepishly. I give him the once over. He is wearing his jersey and dark blue jeans that fit snugly against his toned body. Our school colors are blue and black so it makes his eyes even bluer than normal. Once I pull my eyes from his gaze I frown when I see the light shadow under his eyes showing he is being honest and didn’t get a lot of sleep.

‘Sure.’ I say sighing and passing it over to him after glancing to make sure Mr. Stephens isn’t looking; luckily he isn’t. I’m too nice for my own good.

‘Thanks.’ He murmurs.

He quickly copies down my answer and passes it back over to me. Our fingers brush and I feel a jolt of electricity. I jerk my hand back and drop my paper. We reach down at the same time and bump heads. We both groan at the pain.

‘Please pass your homework up to the front. While I’m grading you can all read over the next chapter and chat.’ Mr. Stephens says from the front of the class. I quickly pass my homework up to the front and open my book.

The rest of the day passes uneventfully and after the pep rally, we have every Friday before a game, I head home. Once I park in my spot I run into the house and quickly throw my stuff in my room before searching for my dad. I find him passed out on the couch in his office clutching a picture of him and my mother right after they got married. He is snoring loudly and then I notice all the empty bottles of alcohol surrounding the coach.

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