Chapter 23

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Chris POV

I shift slightly in my seat waiting for the doctor to come and tell me what the hell is going on. Matt and Mikey haven’t shown up to yet but I know they should be here soon. I’ve been waiting for around an hour but I didn’t call them until about 30 minutes ago when a nurse finally told me they had to rush my angel into surgery.

I wish someone would tell me something right now; I’m not even sure why the hell she even collapsed. When I heard her scream my name…I rub my arms to make the goose bumps go away and shake my head lightly. I will never forget that sound for the rest of my life. I’m pretty sure I’m still in shock right now; it just seems as if everything has been moving extremely slow.

I also feel numb as hell and half of me wish’s I could shake it off but the other half is telling me that I wouldn’t be able to deal with the pain. I just can’t comprehend that my angel is in surgery right now. Someone is cutting open my angel and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. I feel like I’m dying silently and there is nothing that could stop it.

‘Do you need anything Chris? We’re going to get some coffee and snacks.’ I glance up to see all of our friends surrounding me with concerned expressions.

‘No I’m fine.’ I croak out while shaking my head lightly.

‘She’ll be fine darlin’, she just got you back there is no way in hell she would leave you.’ Nicole chokes out wiping my face.

I see her hand is damp and reach up slowly only to jerk away when I realize my hand is damp. I look at my hand and jump up running for the bathroom while ignoring the people yelling my name. I slam open the door and run in grabbing the sink to stop myself from skidding across the floor and into a wall.

Once I’ve fully stopped I look up into the mirror and a strangled noise escapes my mouth. I have silent tears pouring from my eyes and a broken expression on my face. I stand there for a moment and rearrange my face but nothing changes. I’m not sure how long I stand there but when I finally walk out of the bathroom back into the waiting room I see Mike and Matt running through the ER doors.

They look around until they see me and head my direction. I have never broken down before in front of anyone in my family. When my parents separated for 6 months and I let it completely change me; I never once cried in front of anyone.

Before they can get halfway to me I sprint as fast as I can towards them. As soon as I reach them I throw my arms around Mike and break into soul wracking sobs. I feel his arms wrap around me and I know he’s saying something but I can’t seem to focus on anything except pain. I’m talking about the kind of pain that you can feel it peeling the skin off of your soul.

I’ve never felt this kind of pain in my entire life and right now I just don’t care about the future or the past. There is only one thing that is keeping me in one piece right now and that is the girl in the room somewhere in this building.

‘Chris I need you to calm down for a second and tell me what the hell is going on.’ I hear a voice ask.

Instead of answering I continue to sob in my brothers neck. I have my arms wrapped around his chest while reaching up with my hands and grabbing onto his shoulders in a weird attempt at holding him closer to me. I bury my head further into him and feel my knees give out.  With a grunt and a curse Mike holds me up but slides us over to a chair awkwardly sitting me in it but I won’t let him go.

‘Matt I know you’re freaking out right now but I have never in my life seen him like this. Go find a nurse or something; I have no clue how long until he is going to calm down.’ I hear Mike say to Matt.

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