Chapter 36

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'Uncle Joe, what the hell?' I ask still shocked.

'I'm sorry Cupcake.' Uncle Joe has the good graces to actually look a bit sheepish being scolded by a 17 year old.

'Tell me what happened.' I say trying to stay calm.

'I went to see your father and have a few words with him.'

'Which in all actuality means you went to go holler at him.' I huff while glaring slightly at my uncle.

'Yes and I think I had every right to Elizabeth. The shit that he has been doing to you is outrageous and he needed to have some sense knocked into him since no one else is going to do it. I'm so pissed off at everything that you have been put through I can't see straight. You are a teenager that has lost her mother in a tragic accident and you are being physically abused by your piece of shit father. It's ridiculous and if you aren't going to stand up for yourself then I'm going to do it for you.' He says seriously.

'I appreciate it Uncle Joe, don't get me wrong because I truly do. But what you don't seem to get is the fact that I have already settled stuff with my father. I had a talk with him and I'm moving out.'

'You don't seem to understand Cupcake, while I am happy you are moving out. You should've NEVER had to go through what you did. Any way, I went over there and argued with him since he was drunk. It got heated and came to blows.'

'Who hit who first?' I ask.

'I hit him first.'


'Because of some of the things he was saying. I couldn't hold back.'

'Like what?' I ask curiously.

'I don't think these are some things that you need to hear Cupcake.'

'I have been living with him since Mom died, whatever you have to say I have heard.'

'He said it was your fault your mother died and it should've been you.' He says hesitantly making me shrug.


'What the hell do you mean "and" ?' He asks outraged.

'It's what he has been saying since she died!' I half shout feeling the tears entire my eyes and blur my vision.

'Well it's not true Cupcake and if your mother was able she would not only be rolling in her grave but would be down here slapping the hell out of him. He should never be speaking to his daughter like that.' He says angrily while ignoring the fact that his eyes are filling with tears.

'I know it's wrong and I understand that what he has been doing to me is awful but you don't understand how much guilt I live with. You weren't there when we got into the wreck, you weren't there when she rushed me to get out of the car, you weren't there when the entire car exploded and the last thing you hear was her saying I love you. You weren't there when as I lay in the street screaming for my mother the smell of burning flesh hit my nose and I started puking. No one was there! NO ONE! After mom died everyone tried to be nice and helpful but within a week or two no one cared! In a month everyone forgot. Well guess what? I didn't forget, even if I wanted to I had my father shoving it down my throat every damn day. I'm so fucking sick of everyone acting like they understand what I've been through.'

By the time I'm done I'm screaming, tears are streaming down my face and I can hardly catch my breath. I can't believe that I just screamed at my Uncle Joe but to be honest I really am sick of everyone acting like they understand when they don't. They haven't lived through what I have. I turn around and run out of the room. Passing a sad looking Big Vince, a few pitying nurses and doctors. When I get to the Emergency Room doors I slam them open so hard they hit the wall with a loud booming sound that echos through the now silent ER waiting room.

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