Chapter 24

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*Mikey's POV still*

‘We’re here doctor.’ Matt says stepping forward to stand in front of the doctor with his hand out for the doctor to shake.

Without missing a beat the doctor steps forward and shakes his hand while looking at the huge group. Yeah I may not have mentioned it earlier but the entire Varsity Football team is here, JV Football as well, and all of Lissy’s friends. That alone is about 25-30 people not including random others from school since Lissy is well liked and never mean to random people. I glance over at Matt’s face to see him looking at the blood on the doctor’s gown and I know he is wondering the same thing as I was; if that was Lissy’s blood or not. I don’t know how he is dealing so I step up and put a hand on his shoulder.

*Matt’s POV*

I feel a hand on my shoulder as I’m shaking hands with the doctor and immediately know that it’s Matt. I’m so glad he’s here even if I feel like he is partly to blame but that is me just being angry and wanting to blame someone. I know I’m at fault too; I’m her big brother and I’m supposed to protect her which I obviously didn’t.

‘Who is family here?’ The doctor asks effectively snapping me out of my thoughts.

‘Well I’m her older brother but we are all here because we love her. Just say it in front of everyone because I’m most likely not going to have the strength to repeat it.’ I say wearily.

‘Normally we don’t do that but let’s just keep it between all of us shall we? I’m sure all of you other kids just can’t help being nosey and listening in right?’ He asks trying to hint to them when they repeat their stories to alter them slightly. I look behind me and see that all of the kids are nodding honestly.

‘Thank you.’ I say while wiping my sweating hands on my pants. I really wish he would just spit it out. I’m snapped out of my thoughts when the doctor finally speaks

‘Elizabeth has 3 broken ribs on the left side of her body and 2 cracked ones on the right side. Also, she has random other cracks or fractures around her hips and legs; from the looks of it I would guarantee she got attacked brutally. She lost consciousness from one of her broken ribs puncturing her lung. From the looks of everything it looks as if she had the puncture for quite some time before she finally couldn’t hold on any longer. I have to tell you we did lose her but we got her back. However once the surgery once done we realize that when we lost her that it put her into a coma. We aren’t sure how long she will be out but we know that there is no long term damage we just have to wait for her to wake up. We have moved her to room 115 and she can have visitors but I really don’t want all of you rushing in there. I would prefer it be 4 at a time at the very most please. I’m really sorry for having to do this but the police are waiting outside of her room right now. I did have to tell them about the old damage that has been done to her. I know that she was in a car accident 2 years ago but there is a lot of random damage that has been healed in the last 2 years.’ The doctor said. I was in shock but I could hear the unasked question in his words. I don’t know what came over me but I just couldn’t keep it in any longer.

‘My father blames her for my mother’s death so he beats her. I would never lay a finger on my baby sister; apart from my son and wife she is my whole world.’ I say ignoring my cracking voice.

I know that I have tears pouring down my face right now but I don’t have a moment to break down. I already know that I’m going to have to tell the police everything but what I’m not looking forward to is what’s going to happen when someone tells Chris when he wakes up. I’m neither stupid nor blind; that boy has been in love with my little sister since they were about 7 or so. She has been in love with him just as long but for some reason they are blinded from being able to see it.

‘I really think that you should tell the police everything that you have told me. If you care about her so much then as her elder you have to do what’s right for her whether she wants you to or not. I’m not trying to be rude but why haven’t you reported it to the cops sooner?’ He asks scowling lightly at me.

‘I know it seems as if I don’t give a shit but if I tell the cops they are going to question both of them and she WILL NOT press charges against him. I spoke to an officer awhile back, off the record, and he told me that there isn’t a lot they can do unless she presses charges against him. If you are thinking I should’ve talked her into it then you definitely don’t know my sister. She a stubborn, sweet, hard headed brat and once she gets something stuck into her head there isn’t a force on earth that can move her.’ I say snorting a little.

‘Your right but you still have to tell them. I’m sorry for everything that you are going through and have to deal with. Apparently you have a lot going on be thankful she is alive right now though because to be bluntly honest she almost died. Also, do you know who a ‘Christopher’ is? She was muttering his name over and over again when she first came in here. Is he someone important or…’ the doctor trails off. I could almost burst with laughter and sadness knowing that she was calling out his name. Laughter because as I said they are dumb for not knowing they love each other and sadness because Chris is not going to take this well… all.

‘That’s her boyfriend.’ I say smirking a little but new tears are pouring from my eyes again. I feel a pain in my chest knowing that my father being a drunken prick could’ve killed my sister. I also hurt from the simple fact of Chris and Liz almost lost their chance at being together because of my father. I hate that man.

‘Wow, have they been together long?’ he asks making a strangled chuckle slip out.

‘No they haven’t even had a chance, it may sound unusual but they have the kind of love that you can see from a distance but they didn’t realize it until recently. They grew up together and were just getting started before this happened. When she collapsed he was running towards her and before she passed out she screamed his name. I will never be able to get that from my memory, it was like she was pleading with him to fix it all. He’s passed out in another room here from not being able to deal with the stress of it all. He would be standing here with us if he could and that’s a promise.’ I turn around to see that it’s my cousin Derek that is talking. He has tears pouring down his face and I walk over to him and wrap an arm around him but he pushes me off of him.

‘Derek come on man, she’s gonna wake up and it’s going to be ok. Nothing is going to keep Chris and Liz apart, don’t worry about it.’ I say and honestly I’m being pretty serious. I’m devastated that this happened but I don’t see her leaving Chris that easily.

‘No you don’t understand cuz. I may not have beat her but it’s my fault that she’s here. We were getting into an argument about your fucking dad and she just went off about how everything was her fault. Everything she said I never knew that’s how she felt about it; she never said a word she just kept it all bottled up. She keep screaming and when she stopped she couldn’t catch her breath and she screamed for Chris before passing out. I’m so sorry I’ve just been so worried about her that I couldn’t hold it in.’ Derek says with tears streaming down his face before turning and leaving the hospital. I scrub a hand down my face and look for Nicole.

‘Can you..’ I start but she cuts me off by hugging me tightly.

‘No problem big brother, I’ll take care of him the best I can as long as you keep me updated.’ She says. I nod at her and she kisses my cheek before turning around and chasing after Derek.

‘Well whenever you want to see her go ahead. I’ve got some other patients to check on but I will be checking in on her later. I’m sorry for everything.’ The doctor says while shaking my hand again before leaving.

I turn around to face all of the teenagers, mostly guys, and almost all of them have tears in their eyes but I’m completely shocked to see Big Vince balling his eyes out. I immediately head over to him and pat him on the back lightly. He snaps his head up from where he is sitting and stands up in a rush. He doesn’t even wipe his eyes before giving me a full on bear hug. He holds on for a second sobbing and when he pulls away he finally wipes his eyes.


small chapter :D should be uploading again in the next 2 days :D please vote and comment! i love you all

dedicated to a very talented author that I love to death! If you haven't heard of her PLEASE check her out but i'm sure have heard of her b/c she is just that talented :D i love ya sweetie! thanks for talking me into writing :D

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