Chapter 12

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Liz’s POV

I wake up and turn over only to bump into a firm body. I know instantly that it’s Mikey and am about to snuggle into his chest when I realize my hands are cramping. I look down and see that I have a death grip on a picture frame and a worn out old bear.

When I look at the picture I’m holding I smile sadly at it. It’s a picture of me and my mother around a year before she died. In the picture you can tell we are both laughing really hard. I remember that day so well.

We were laughing because me and my mom had just pulled a prank on my brother. We always pulled pranks on my dad and my brother. We had painted his finger nails and toe nails the night before because he had been gloating the night before when we had a wrestling match in the living room he had of course won.

In my other hand was the bear that was extremely worn down, almost completely covered in patches my mother had done. The poor thing had a very hard life. My brother had torn it’s head off a few times, it’s been run over, washed, dyed etc. Chris had given it to me on my 7th birthday. I was so excited about it; for years I wouldn’t sleep without it but when we stopped being friends I had put it in a box along with other mementos from us.

I eased out from between Mikey’s arms and headed to the closet to put the bear up only stopping to sit the picture frame back on my night stand beside my bed. I open the box and just as I am about to put the bear up I stop myself. I close the box and head back over to where I put the picture frame. I sit the bear gently down where it’s leaning on the frame since it can’t sit up by itself because of its age and lack of stuffing.

I walk into my closet grabbing a change of clothes and head into my bathroom. Groaning in pain I slowly and gently strip off my clothes. Once I’m done I glance down at my body to see bruises everywhere. I groan again and decide that I need to soak in the bath instead of showering. I turn on the water and grab one of my books off of the back of my toilet that I keep in here for soaks.

I pour some lavender salt into the bath and add some oil as well hoping it will help the aches and pains from yesterday. Once the tub is full I turn off the water and walk back over to my counter where I turn on my cd player I keep in here. The bathroom is instantly filled with Tegan & Sara Where Does the Good Go. I walk back over to the tub and step in, wincing from the heat but knowing it will be worth it in the long run. I sit down and once I’m comfortable I open my book instantly getting lost in it; Stephanie Meyer New Moon. I have read the series around a 100 times easily.

I look up at the clock and realize that I have been in here for about 2 hours. I glance down at myself and laugh when I see that I am extremely wrinkled and have read about half of the book. I close my book at slide it across the floor so I won’t get it wet. I lean forward and let the water out. As soon as all the water is out I stand up to feel that I am definitely not as sore as I was when I woke up thankfully. I turn on the shower and quickly clean off.

Once out I dry off and put on my clean clothes which consist of track pants and a long sleeve shirt. I through my hair up into a messy bun and head out of the bathroom. I look at the bed to see Mikey sitting on the far edge with his back turned to me. I open my mouth to say something but am stopped when Mikey starts talking. At first I’m confused but quickly realize he must be on the phone. I am about to let him know I’m in the room when I hear what he is saying.

‘Yeah I know man. No I think she’s in the bathtub. I’m not sure yet I just woke up. I don’t know Chris. Calm down I was sleeping I can’t stalk the girl she’ll kick my ass. Yeah I will. I’m sure she’s fine calm down damn it. Yeah, I’ll probably leave here in a little while after I check on her. Yeah, I’ll see you later bro. bye.’

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