Chapter 8

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***Flashback Chris’s POV***

‘Wow, so you seriously like her huh?’ Erik asks.

‘No shit Sherlock.’ I roll my eyes at him.

‘Well I hope you don’t ask me for any advice because she’s stubborn. I know I’m her big bro and I love her don’t get me wrong but that girl is extremely hard to figure out.’ Matt says.

‘I can handle her I just have to figure out a way to get her to give me a chance.’ I say. I hear a phone go off and Matt holds up hand.

‘Hold on it maybe Ashley.’ He says while digging through his pocket. Once he pulls it out he reads who it is calling and grunts. ‘It’s your brother. What’s up Mikey?’ I can hear a screaming in the back ground

‘SH-IT! What the hell? Matt ask him if that’s my mom! What’s going on?’ I holler at Matt.

‘Hey man who’s…’ he gets  cut off by Mikey saying something too quickly for me to even understand. ‘What the fuck do you mean she won’t wake up man? Fucking shake her. You know she sleeps like a dead person. Wait is that her screaming?’ what the fuck I think.

‘Her who?’ I ask looking around the room to see half the team here standing up and looking around just as confused as I am.

‘Did she just say “Momma”?!!?!?!?!’ Matt shouts all the sudden going pale.

‘Dude what the fuck is going on?’ I holler shaking Matt which seems to wake him up.

‘Me and Chris are heading that way now be there in 10 or less.’ He snaps the phone closed. The next words out of his mouth makes my heart stop and I almost collapse in the middle of the room. ‘It’s Liz.’

I look around the room and all the guys are running around grabbing keys, phone’s and wallets. Erik walks up to me and punches me in the arm hard.

‘It’s Liz.’ He says which snaps me out of it. I reach into my pocket grabbing my keys and running towards my jacked up truck. I’m the second one there but only because Matt’s Challenger can go way the hell faster than my truck. When I get there I see he left the gate open for me. I quickly pull in behind Liz’s truck and turn to hear 6 other cars pulling in. I run up the steps followed by all the other guys and sprint up the stairs only to stop dead in my tracks when I get to her door. The guys run into my back making me stumble into the room.

She is thrashing around on the bed screaming. Tears are pouring out of her closed eyes. Her beautiful curly auburn hair is going everywhere. The pained expression on her face damn near just breaks your heart. Her top has ridden up where you can see a belly button piercing that for some reason I have plans on biting and a tattoo going up from her hip but I can’t see it clearly. Yeah I really want to run my tongue across that. I shake off those thoughts, what the hell am I doing? She’s freaking out and I’m thinking about different things I can do to that delectable body of hers.

Erik and another guy on the team, Big Vince, run forward trying to help Matt hold Liz down but as they reach for her they stop when they see her visible bruises on her upper arms. They both turn to look at me but I shake my head at them. They both step back and I walk over just in time to pull Matt back from a damn good right hook. She looks like an avenging angel to me right now.

‘Shit thanks man, that would’ve hurt. She’s a scary little thing when she’s pissed.’ Matt mutters.

‘What the fuck happened and why in the hell are you in her bedroom?’ I growl at Mikey. I don’t like the thought of anyone being near what’s mine especially when what’s mine is looking a delicious as she is right now. Just, DAMN.

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