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Sorry for not uploading on the other book! Play music optional
Mari's pov
I waited. While I was there I made music from the gentle breeze blowing. I was squatting poking at the dirt looking down. I put my hand near the barrier once more and quickly was pushed away. Snap! I turn around to see a little elf girl with her little elf brother behind her. "Y-You're a d-dem-on". I stared at her but looked down and soon heard several footsteps. I look up to see Jaxon,Nikki,Arwin, and Lori. I stand up and wait for them. They all soon pass the barrier, Jaxon soon gets close to me and the little girl yells and says "WATCH OUT S-SHE IS A DEMON!!" The little girl then summons a fire in her hands and aims it directly at me. Before a blink of an eye the fire exploded into several wolves like Yuuta (but Yuuta is a fox). I quickly shadow traveled and summoned Yuuta. Yuuta's flames vibrantly glowed as the other wolves backed away. The girl gasped and said "Someone like you isn't worthy to have a fox like that! Familiars shouldn't trust you AT ALL!" You're a demon so give me that fox!". The wolves all then came charging in as they were told. Nikki then ran in but soon was blocked by the little boys majik. He blocked her with a barrier of wood. He made sure no one saw what was going to happen. 'Tsk this girl why not kill her now?' 'Yes! that is a brilliant idea!' 'Do it now!' Whispers soon overcame me but I knew I just couldn't harm a little girl. I sighed and quickly shadow traveled away and called back Yuuta. I grabbed Jacob's hand and told the others to grab on. Darkness soon surrounded us... The thing I didn't notice was that Arwin got hurt... Once we were gone I asked if anyone had healing powers. Arwin raised her hand but soon put it down from the pain. "She was probably hit with a northern Elfen poison spell.. Does can only be removed by an elf.." Said Lori. I look around where we are and see that we are in a forest. Crunch I summon my scythe and soon hear a small high pitched voice. But I know it's not from that meif'wa girl. "I hear you are in need of assistance... I am a healer so may I help?". I look towards Jaxon and he nods and soon ask "What is your name?" "Well I am glad you asked my name is Stellar. But I prefer the name Luna!". The girl seemed so perky once she came out. She had a big smile and soon kneeled down near Arwin's limp arm. I notice she had cat like ears and a tail. But instead she has blue long hair. Instead her hair was out into a long braid. "I'm no elf but why don't you use her?" Stellar soon points at me. I the say "I'm not an elf!". Stellar sighed and said "Are you sure your ears say otherwise.." My ears twitched as I got up and said "I am no elf.. You would have been sensing some Mäya from me by now since you're a meif'wa". "Way ahead of you, you are born a child of Hades and Nyx but you can also be born an elf if something magical happens so you do have a little Mäya in you basically that you can put to use!". The others stared between us. I stood up and asked how I do it. "Focus All your life into it and express boe much you love narture since you are going to be using some mythical majik might as well be nature you focus on!". I sigh and think about everything I know about nature. I soon start humming a song I knew. Lloyd always hummed to me and taught me a few tricks myself. Arwin then quickly gets up and looks at me. She gives me a death glare that I try to ignore. "Thank you Stellar for guiding Mari without you I probably would have been dead by now!". Lori chuckles and soon quiets down after a starring contest with Nikki.

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