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Mari's pov
I smiled lightly to the wolf. The wolf sat down confused as a bright light came from it. There sat a confused Nikki with black wolf ears and a tail, "H-How did you know?" I ignored the question and pointed towards the other wolf. "That one is a person too." The white wolf looked at me and then speeded towards me. Another light shimmered from the wolf and there stood a girl with white hair like Fall's and blue eyes. She was wearing an armor type of clothing and stared at me. "You're here to retrieve your friends. Correct?" I nodded and suddenly a big smile plastered across her face. "I can escape! With the rest!" I looked at her confused, I was about to speak but Arwin then said "Who says you can tag along?" I shot her a glare as Lori nudged her nervously. "You can come. But you must give exact locations of your friends." The girl nodded seriously as she then grabbed Nikki by the hand and said "She was one of them." Nikki pushed the girl and growled "That's Eloise... My sister." Almost the whole group shouted 'What?!' But Fall lowered their voices down. "We can talk about this later but your friends. Where?" Eloise nodded and summoned a big long black sword that seemed to be illuminating some black smoke. Raon gasped and ran towards the weapon and said "The Đēviłs Ťoy?! You must have defeated at least a .." Eloise nodded and nudged him away, she kept walking for a few minutes until we stopped by a big pool of green water. "They're stuck in here. 'The Pool Of Memories'." Lori seemed off a little. She walked up to the water and just walked away. Arwin seemed to pick up on that and grabbed her by the shoulders and yelled "WHAT'S WRONG?!" Everyone seemed startled and turned back to face her. "W-Wait. We should all just go in groups well one only. I insist that Mari,Fall,Nikki,Eloise,Flare,Jaxon,and Arwin go. The rest can stay out and gaurd." Everyone agreed and turned to Eloise. Eloise seemed worried but nudged Nikki. Nikki nodded and put out her hand, a flame appeared and grew bigger illuminating light into the water. Mossy rocks and plants were exposed as they stood still.
Everyone seemed grossed out besides Fall,Jaxon,and I. Jaxon then stated "There seems to be some life sources in the water but it actually doesn't go in that deep." "Pick a partner." Said Fall as he walked towards me, Nikki to Eloise, Flare and Arwin to Jaxon. I walked in with Fall and so did the others. Play music optional I closed my eyes once I entered into the water, the cold sensation surfaced my skin as I felt Fall move closer to me. I opened my eyes expecting the water to burn my eyes but it didn't. I opened my mouth and took a breath, I looked around I breathed in once again but this time sniffed a nostalgic aroma. I looked towards Fall and somehow saw images of villages fires and lady that looked like she was reaching out. I them saw my little brother in the corner of my eyes laughing and holding onto his precious stuffed bear. But suddenly dropped it onto the floor. Blood stained the ground as my little brother screamed and fell to the ground. A figure stood over the limp body. 'Haha! Feel the pain you never felt.' 'Feel what we've been through!' Don't!' Tears stained my cheeks as I looked away and heard more shrieks and laughter. I tugged on Fall's shirt and he looked back at me emotionless. His eyes shimmered telling me that he was trying to smile but it soon went away when we both this time heard a screeching sound. "Please.. nOoooooOo!!" Yelled an unfamiliar voice. It sounded like a very young boy. I tightened my grip on Fall's hands and moved my hands. But I stopped. It didn't seemed like I was swimming. I moved my legs and tried to run. It worked. I wiped my tears away and started to run. A few seconds later a hallway appeared with lights shining onto a little boys face that was chained onto a chair. He had brown hair and his eyes were half open. His eyes glimmered with tears as blood trickled from his mouth. He was extremely dirty with mud and a mix of blood. "R-run.." His voice was hoarse but he grabbed onto the chair and held in a scream. I looked at him confused and summoned my scythe. I pointed it to the chains on the little boys slender arms. I then lifted it up and with all my force slammed it into the chain. The chain broke open as I tried to think of a more efficient way to do this. I grabbed the boys hands and tried to shadow-travel to Fall. There stood Fall beside me with the boy in my arms he clenched onto me and sobbed constantly repeating 'Thank you'. I smiled and brought the boy closer. He seemed really cold but I got Fall and told him it was time to go. Fall nodded and started to run with me to actually we don't know. I guess to the end? We ran for several minutes until I felt a cold sensation and the muddy murky ground of the pond above me. I jump up but didn't reach at first but then felt myself being lifted up. The boy seemed to be surprised but then sighed and managed a smile. Fall was right there and lifted us into the air with him out of the water. I saw the whole group that was sent to the water kneeled beside some wounded. Arwin was chanting some healing spells that would at least let them be able to walk around. I got the boy and gently placed him on my lap as I cradled his head. I hearc footsteps and looked up worriedly. Arwin stood there avoiding my gaze and putting out her hand and said "Meñi Aĺ Vä!". The boy looked up at me and smiled. He was able to sit up and say "Thank you.." I nodded and looked up to Eloise and Nikki. Eloise looked sternly at the little boy and soon walked over to the boy and I. She grabbed me but he arm and pulled me to her and was practically hugging me. Eloise then whispered in my ear "Stay away from that child." I looked at her and said "It's just a boy." I gently pushed away Eloise and walked towards the boy, Nikki then stood in my way and said "Don't. Trust me." I looked at her confused and looked at the boy. The boy looked at me and smile which slowly then turned into a smirk. I summoned my scythe and was going to charge until I felt myself stop. The boy looked at me and smiled he got up and walked towards me slowly yet creepily. I suddenly felt nobody around. I tried to move my head but it slowly did. I looked around and noticed nobody was there now. I was worried even Fall was gone. Is this thing human? I felt somwthing hard hit my head. Everything went black.

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