The fire wolf

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Lori's pov
Jaxon and I had a perfect plan set up for Arwin and Mari to get along. Now all we had to do is let it all roll out. First, Jaxon is going to ask Mari if she wants to go to a cave to get loot. While he is doing that I go ask Arwin the same thing. Next, we tell them we have to seperate into groups but we already have chosen the groups. Finally, if there is any problem we have flares. Of course we will take precautions. Anyways they both agreed. Once we got to the cave we seperated. "Ok, we already have groups. Mari you and Arwin while Jaxon and I go together." Lori said. Arwin glared at Mari while Mari tried to avert her gaze. We all then turned our seperate ways.
(Play music if you want to set the mood it's only 3 minutes so you can play it over if you want! :D)

Arwin's pov
I tried acting as menacing as I possibly could but couldn't take it and gave up. I looked around and noticed gemstones sticking out of each wall. 'What will a dungeon boss want here?'. I looked more closely and noticed a green torch from behind a boulder. "H-Hey look at that". Mari looks towards the way I point and signals me to go left while I go right. Together we both summon our weapons and quickly poke our heads around the boulder. I looked and saw it was just a torch with green light. I tried to blow it out but it didn't work. "It's Greek fire.." I look up and said "Can it be that the boss wields the Greek fire?". Mari shrugs and say "If it is this is bad. Greek fire is hard to control. It's not even affected by water." 'Drip drop' the cave water went. It eventually went in a pattern creating a song. Mari quickly summoned her scythe and repelled something backwards. "What in the name of Enki was that?!" I then noticed a black spot on her scythe. "A hell sprite was thrown at you..". "Thanks" I say and look around. I summon my Jexrill and once again a hell sprite is thrown at me. Mari light the flare and threw it at the direction the flame was thrown from. A girl around the same age of all of us stood there gracefully standing. I then yelled "Lori!! Jaxon!!" Hoping they'll come. I ran towards the figure and swung my sword. In a blink of an eye she was gone. Mari looked amazed but then shadow traveled behind me and kicked the lady. The unknown lady fell to the ground. I notice her summon Greek fire and shot it at Mari. She quickly tried to shadow travel but missed the chance. I tried to run towards her but before I could I saw Jaxon and Lori in sight. Jaxon summoned Đeath Ştrïder and slashed at the lady. The girl screamed in agony and then said "That's enough!". Mari then says "So did we win?.." the lady shakes her head in disbelief. Jaxon slowly gets near me and whispers what exactly did we win?". I blushed at how close he was and said "I-Ill tell you about it later." We all then walked out of the cave, once we did the girl stuck her hand out and said "My name is Nikki from now on I'll be your newest member of your team." I slowly notice that she has blood red eyes. But I try to ignore a fact that I might just mention to everyone who is going to be in our conversation.

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