5. news [5]

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note: this is a video recording. everything in [ ] is a sound or something else being said to someone else.

this is entirely fictional, and same persons, settings or names are figments of the authors' imaginations.

thanks, and have a nice day.

bold means Liberty, italics means Destiny, underlined means Harmony, and. oh yes, special guest is bold and italics and underlined. 

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WELCOME TO LUNA D'S RECORDING STUDIO, TODAY, WE HAVE SURPRISE GUEST, "TEMPLE SONGBIRD"! [CURTAINS! FAKE AUDIENCE CLAPPING! Hey! Roberto! You can't just quit your job like that! I'm paying you! Hera! The curtains! What's wrong with everyone?] [What? How come I never knew this???] [Uh, because it was a surprise! Ah duh. Common sense here, Har.] 

How are you doing, today, Temple? 

Doing great, you?

Doing well. Anyways, how's life, and more importantly, your views on Harmony as an older sister? 

Life's great. Except, maybe, the matter of Black Rain. But other than that, I'm doing fine. Harmony's a great older sister, if you count great as sarcastic. [Hah! See, Harmony? Point taken.] [Okay, just shut up Lib. Plus, it's not MY fault everyone's imperfect. YOU'RE A BAD BROTHER TOO!] I know, Har, because I'm the best little brother ever. And just kidding, she's great. [Point taken Temple, see Lib?]

Anyway, I hear you have two kids and a wife? How are they?

Great actually, Savannah and Daniel are just fine, and Helen's doing just fine!

Alright, how do Helen and Harmony do together? I've heard they don't get along? Mainly by Har's long and boring rants that I only pay like, 0.5% of attention to. 

Well, that's true. Helen thinks traveling is a waste, and Harmony gets deeply offended by that. I'm sure they'll settle their differences soon though. [Temple, that's never going to happen, so get over it.] [Yes, we understand you, but Har just chill.] [WHO CARES ABOUT THAT?!!! THERE ISN'T ANY SPECIAL MILK LEFT AND IT'S MY TURN!!!]

Anyway, yes I know that my sister gets annoyed by Helen and I'm surprised that you've never heard someone insult my sister. [Well, I insult her.] Yes, I can totally imagine that happening.

Uh. Ok moving on. Temple what do you do for a living and why?

I work as a science teacher at the school in Songbird City. I chose to do that because I love helping kids, and I enjoy science.

Thank you. I believe our time is up, so see you guys later! 

Luna Dovelin, sighing off! 

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behind the scenes:

[Do you think I did a good job?]

[Well, mainly, but you kinda insulted Harmony. I mean you shouldn't do that. It's rude! Although it was kinda funny!]

[*sigh* Well Destiny, sorry to disappoint you, but I'll be leaving now.]

[Guys, just cause Harmony was kinda insulted doesn't mean you should turn it into a big thing.]

[I don't care. We need more milk and that's that. Hurry up, get it, and let me do another scene!]

[Of course, Lib. That's all you care about. Whatever.]

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2016 ⏰

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