Chapter 1

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"uh Jay. this makes no sense at all I'm so confused can't you just do it for me please?"

I begged my bestfriend Jason to do my history homework which by the way is pointless.

"Jen I swear you're gunna do fine just stop trying so hard and then later I'll buy you ice cream".

Jason replied. We were sitting in his room after school on a friday waiting for his twin brother Jacob and our other friend Dasha to come home from school.

The thing about fridays is we have a plan, every friday we would meet up at the twins' house and do homework and watch movies, but I always hesitated when it came to the homework part, and Jace always forces me to do it . I don't even know why.

"um jason I have to go home now. And I don't know where Jake and Dash are and I really need to talk to my mom before she leaves for work" I stated.

"Oh no you're not leaving me home by myself I'm coming with you. besides, you owe me remember?" Jason said while looking at me with a huge grin.

"I have no idea what you are talking about Mr. Blane I owe you nothing" I said smiling back, okay maybe Jason isn't really my bestfriend. Well he is, just we are best friends with benefits sort of no labels it has been like this for about two months now and I am kinda getting the hang of it.

I winked at Jason then turned toward the door and headed downstairs.

"Were are you going Jenny bean? Are you seriously gunna leave me here all alone what if a girl breaks in and tries to rape me" Said Jason following me toward the kitchen. " Jay seriously you are such a loser get a grip" I said opening the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water." well you're a big boy. You can take care of yourself can't you?" I asked Jason while closing the fridge and turing around only to find Jay staring into my eyes as I almost bumped into him.

He took my waist and pulled me closer to him, he took my chin and lifted it up with his index finger so I could see his eyes, his beautiful hazel eyes. Before I knew it he kissed me softly on my lips and chuckled a little."Nope I can't take care of myself especially when I'm around you". He replied as he bent back down to kiss me again but this time I pushed him away.

" Jason seriously I need to go now stop" I said stepping away from him "Why do you always do that Jennifer please just tell me why" Woah he never calls me Jennifer what the hell is up with him.

"Jennifer huh. thats a first now tell me Jason what do I always do?"

I replied back angrily." I'm just sick of you pushing me away every time I try to kiss you. I mean are you still not over Daniel or do I have to remind you that he dumped you ?get over it" Jason snapped back at me. Tears started to fall and I quickly started to get angry.

"You know that's not true. You know he left because his dad's business moved to California so we broke up. I can't believe you out of all people would say that to me I need to go home goodbye Jason".

I whispered as I ran out the door and jumped into my car. I heard my phone ringing minutes later. Thats when I realized that I was still in the Blane's driveway. I picked up my phone and saw that Jason was calling , I quickly pressed the ignore button, wiped my tears and drove away. I don't plan on talking to him until I clear my head.

JASON (pov)

I screwed up bad. Really bad I have never been so rude to her in my life and I made her cry.

"Damn Jason why are so dumb?"

I said while grabbing my hair " I ask myself that everyday about you but I'm glad you realized it by yourself twin" My twin brother Jacob came in my room chucking my basketball jersey at me. " Shut up man I'm serious. So were is Dasha?"

I said trying to change the subject before we got into specifics ." She said that Jen called her and needed her so she left which brings me to my next question .What did you do to Jen she is always here on fridays?" He said whle walking into my room and sat in my bean bag " I made her cry by bringing up Daniel" I said speaking very low.

" YOU DID WHAT" Jacob screamed at me

"Jace you're dumb but you must have some sense in you, what the hell are you doing bringing up Daniel?you know he put her through alot. And as one of her best friends you should know not to bring that shit up again are you stupid?What did she say to you for you to bring up the most painful thing she has been through since losing her dad huh?"

Jacob asked looking really pissed. "Nothing I just I don't know what happened" I replied back. "You are an asshole Jason a real asswipe" my brother said getting up and walking out the door. I know he is my twin but we don't exactly see eye to eye. we look alike but we're different. I mean our eyes and personalities are different I am the quiet type with hazel eyes and Jake is the loud, soft one with green eyes we both are best friends with Jennifer and it has been that way since Pre-kindergarten and we have always protected her up until last year January, when she started dating Daniel Morrison.

They were dating for about a year and then they broke up because he was moving, I have always cared for Jennifer I just realized it more when she was dating Daniel.

I always saw how he made her smile and I couldn't shake the feeling that I wanted to be the one making her smile like that. When they broke up I was sad and happy, happy for myself because I could finally get her, but sad for her because she lost Daniel. So we started to hang out more because Jake found himself a girlfriend named Andrea and he left us alone and within two months I couldnt take it anymore.

So one night at a party I kissed her and it was everything I hoped for and then some.

A couple weeks after that I asked her what was up with "us", she said she only wanted to be friends but she liked the kiss so we decided with best friends with benefits I know corny but I liked it we started having make out sessions at school in the janitors closets but it wasn't heavy more like light, too light. And today just watching her turn me down got me angry because when I kiss her I feel the need to kiss her more and she never lets me.

kind of like I'm running a race, I can see the finish line but then I blink , and suddenly I'm at the starting line and the finish line is nowhere in sight. I tried calling her 4 times but she is ignoring my calls so I'm just going to call it a night maybe she will call tomorrow. Maybe.


My first chapter so excited can't wait until it is done stay tuned for chapter 2 and please don't hate Jason he means well.

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